He closed his eyes and prayed before running over 7 people

by time news

2023-08-22 18:34:00

Time.news – It’s called Imani Lucas, is 29 years old, lives in New Jersey, and has been indicted for attempted multiple murder the woman who ran over seven pedestrians in Manhattan Sunday night.

Among the wounded also two Italians, one couple from Piacenza: Matteo Maj, 51, designer, and Giulia Gardani, 34, federal tennis instructor. Gardani is the person most seriously injured: in the accident she fractured her cervical vertebrae.

She underwent a long operation. The first postoperative signs would be encouraging. According to the police Lucas, who tested negative for alcohol and drugs, he has mental problems. The woman told officers that she closed her eyes and began to pray as she was about to run over pedestrians by car, despite the fact that she was running a red light.

It happened at the intersection of West 36th street and 6th Avenue, near the Macy’s department store.

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