‘He is the one who tried to make the police officer a racist’ – Mukesh’s Facebook post‌ | M Mukesh

by time news

Kollam: The revelation of a young man that he and his mother, who went to call his sister who is studying in a college in Kayamkulam on Lockdown day, had a bad experience with the police due to the clothes was controversial. Afzal Mani, a native of Chathannur, posted a Facebook post against the police officer under the headline ‘Meet the gang of Kerala police’.

Mukesh, the LDF MLA from Kollam, has come out against the youth who posted against the police. Mukesh says that this is the same young man who used to call Teri and comment below his Facebook post. The MLA’s Facebook post is accompanied by a screenshot of Tanta calling and answering that day.

Posted by Mukesh on Facebook

Some calculations
There is nothing wrong with that..he is the one who tried to make the Kayamkulam police officer a communalist … then his name was Aryan Mitra …

Content Highlights: m mukesh fb post against the guy who posted a note against kerala police

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