“Health”: 339 new cases of “Corona” .. and 112 cases recovered – Saudi News

by time news

Today (Sunday), the Ministry of Health announced the registration of 339 new cases of the emerging corona virus, which causes the disease “Covid-19”, while monitoring the recovery of 112 cases and the death of 4 cases, “may God have mercy on them.”

According to the “Health” statistic today, the cumulative total of cases since the appearance of the first case in Saudi Arabia reached 755,415 cases, and the number of critical cases reached 55 critical cases receiving care in intensive care, while the total recovery cases reached 742,563 cases, while the death toll rose to 9,103. condition.

The Ministry of Health advised everyone to contact the (937) Center for consultations and inquiries around the clock, to obtain health information and services, and to know the latest developments of the Corona virus.

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