healthy dessert recipe without gluten or added sugar

by time news

2024-03-06 09:01:40

Today we bring the recipe for cocoa lovers who are following a ketogenic diet or are simply looking for a sweet snack with an intense chocolate flavor that is also nutritious, gluten-free and rich in protein.

We liked it the recipe from Chocolate Covered Katie for the simplicity of ingredients, without having to resort to protein powders or stranger products, and the freedom it offers when it comes to personalizing or modifying the preparation to taste. The basic ingredient is ground almond or almond flourwhich gives the cake a juicy texture and a little reminiscent of a brownie, but more tender and not as dense.

We use erythritol as a sweetener because it gives excellent results in baking and is already easy to find; Use another if you have a different custom at home to your taste, and adjust the quantities if you prefer it to be sweeter. You can also add sugar-free chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa or pure cocoa nibs, or even some chopped nuts.

Preheat the oven to 170 ºC without air, with heat up and down, and line a rectangular mold about 20 cm long with non-stick paper.

In a bowl, beat the eggs with the drained yogurt, milk and vanilla. Add the other ingredients, sifting the cocoa on top to remove any lumps. Stir with the whisk until everything is integrated.

Pour into the mold, adding chopped chocolate pieces or cocoa nibs on top if desired (or some nuts) and bake at medium height for about 50 minutes, monitoring the point towards the end by piercing the center with a toothpick.

Wait a bit out of the oven before removing from the mold and cooling completely on a rack.

What to accompany keto chocolate cake with

This is a sweet cocoa cake or bread perfect for charge with energy first thing at breakfast with a coffee or glass of milk or vegetable drink, also to recover after training or at snack time if we arrive hungry and occasionally feel like something sweeter without resorting to ultra-processed foods. It is best to keep it well wrapped in the refrigerator.

In Vitónica | Microwave fitness chocolate cake
In Vitónica | Gluten-free chocolate and sweet potato cake

#healthy #dessert #recipe #gluten #added #sugar

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