Heavy heart surgery survived – Doris Schröder-Köpf wants to go back to politics – domestic politics

by time news

The SPD politician Doris Schröder-Köpf (58) will be back after her severe heart surgery at the end of 2020 and two subsequent strokes.

“I am now doing pretty well again, luckily there have been no further health setbacks,” said the Lower Saxony state parliament member and migration commissioner for the state of the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung” (Saturday).

The ex-wife of former Federal Chancellor Gerhard Schröder (77) and partner of Lower Saxony’s Interior Minister Boris Pistorius (61) spoke of a “gift” that she is doing well again. In the meantime she has paid a visit to her mother in southern Germany and has been able to attend a church service again.

She and Pistorius spent the evening of the federal election at the SPD headquarters in Berlin. “It was a real festive evening – both personally and politically. Without my artificial heart valve, I would not have experienced any of this. “

According to the “NOZ” report, Schröder-Kopf calls her artificial heart valve made of carbon “girlfriend”.

With a lot of exercise, she now wants to keep fit, attend a Scorpions concert with the whole family in Hanover in 2022. Life companion Pistorius will be made responsible. He does strength training and is “much more athletic” than her. “When he’s at home, he has to march with me.”

Schröder-Köpf has three children, two daughters and a son. She was diagnosed with severe aortic stenosis in early 2020 – the main artery no longer closes properly and the heart is weakened. In the summer of 2020, she said she had prepared for the worst case scenario. “I wrote a new will,” she said at the time.


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