Hebrew News – After Matthew publicly asked how actor Keanu Reeves is still alive despite being an addict, he now apologizes

by time news

After Matthew publicly questioned how actor Keanu Reeves was still alive despite being an addict, he is now apologizing

The star of the series “Friends” publicly wondered how it was possible that the actor Heath Ledger died due to his drug addiction while Reeves was still alive, which led to a big uproar around the network. Now he retracts his words

The autobiographical book of the actor Matthew Perry reveals quite a few personal details about his life, among other things, during which the star wondered why other actors, such as Heath Ledger, died as a result of addiction, while other actors, such as Reeves, are still among us. Perry’s words angered many surfers, which led to his public apology.

‘I’m actually a big fan of his. I just chose a completely random name, it was my mistake. I apologize from the bottom of my heart. I should have put my name instead of his name,’ Perry wrote online. As I remember, in what he said in the book he stated that it seems to him that usually the most talented go.

The mention of Reeves’ name is not clear, since the two have never worked together or collaborated in a film or series. Remember, in his book Perry reveals that in the past, the doctors told his family that his chance of survival was only two percent. He also said that he was in a coma for two whole weeks, until he managed to regain consciousness.

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