Hebrew News – Brad Pitt reveals: “I always felt very alone in life”

by time news

The beloved Hollywood actor came to an intimate interview and told during it that after a long period in which he felt lonely and even suffered from depression, he now decided to embrace his family and friends

Brad Pitt, the 58-year-old Oscar-winning actor recently gave a particularly intimate interview, during which he recounted periods when he felt lonely, six years of sobriety he was proud of, and the fact that in recent years he has decided to embrace his friends and family, more than ever.

‘Feeling happy is a new feeling for me, of recent years. I spent many years depressed and feeling terribly lonely, and I pretty much came to terms with it. I accepted all sides of me, the beautiful and the ugly, ‘Pete explained. He added that most of his life he felt alone, and even grew up alone as a child.

‘Creation and art make you feel less lonely in the world. Art is something that is almost impossible to explain. It’s something that gives you duck skin, excitement, brings you to tears. “Maybe it’s because of the feeling that someone understands you, that you are not alone,” the actor added.

As you know, Pete will soon star in a new movie called “Bullet Train”. It is a wild action comedy, in which he plays an assassin who has recovered from an injury and returned to work with all his might, and with a sense of security that is revealed, later, almost wrong.

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