Hebrew News – Endless hypocrisy: China warns Israel: “Avoid provocations with the Palestinians” while it tortures and murders its own citizens

by time news

China’s new foreign minister, Qin Gang, ended his first trip overseas by calling on Israel to avoid provocations that could escalate the growing tensions with the Palestinians.

“Israel must stop any incitement and provocation and avoid any unilateral action that could lead to the worsening of the situation,”said the communist foreign minister of the dictatorship in a press briefing held on Sunday in Cairo, after his meeting with Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shukri at the end of a five-country tour of Africa.

The diplomat of the Chinese oppressive regime also added that “China is “very worried” about deteriorationThe relationship between Israel and the Palestinians

Chin said his words while the newly elected Israeli government is faced with the Palestinian success at the United Nations to receive a ruling from the International Court of Justice of the United Nations.

Earlier this month, it was reported that Benjamin Netanyahu’s government banned the public display of Palestinian flags, canceled the travel card of the Palestinian Foreign Minister, and announced that it would withhold funds that were normally transferred to the Palestinian Authority.

The Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gabir also caused outrage during his visit to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem

Chin, who was promoted last month from his position as ambassador to the US, read“Maintain the status quo”.On the Temple Mount, which includes the Al-Aqsa Mosque

China advocates a two-state solution with East Jerusalem as the capital of independent Palestine.

“The international community must increase its sense of urgency, place the issue of Palestine at the top of the international agenda, and promote the renewal of peace talks between Israel and Palestine,”Chin said.

The Chinese envoy also held meetings on Sunday with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Abul-Reit.

Chin said leaders in the region agreed to work with Chinese officials to implement the Riyadh Declaration, issued at the end of last month’s Arab-Chinese summit in Saudi Arabia.

the statementConfirms a multilateral international order” and rejects“Politicization of human rights issues and their use as a tool to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries”,added.

For decades, Chinese foreign ministers have traditionally toured Africa shortly after appointments.

Beijing has undertaken huge infrastructure projects across the continent, amounting to $160 billion in loans to African countries.

Trade between China and Africa amounted to about 260 billion dollars last year

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