Hebrew News – How do you use elderberry and how will it improve your health?

by time news

2023-05-25 02:06:49

How do you use elderberry and how will it improve your health?

Hippocrates and the Indians used it for healing hundreds of years ago, and in fact, even today it is worth putting it in the kitchen. Here are eight medicinal properties that you will find in the oval fruit powder and the white elder flowers and to conclude, also two delicious and healthy recipes

The elder is a tree that grows up to a height of 99 meters and produces small white flowers which will later grow into black berries which are the fruits of the tree. The plant is well known in traditional medicine. When in 400 AD, Hippocrates, the father of medicine, used the elder flowers to cure various diseases and called them “the heart of medicine”. The Indians also used to cure rheumatism and fever with their help, and the ancient Egyptians used them to heal burns and care for the skin.

Here are eight benefits that this plant can contribute to your health:

Immunity boost

Elderberry strengthens the immune system and even contributes to the prevention of bacterial and viral diseases, according to a study published in the Journal of Functional Foods in 2015. The study found that giving an elderberry supplement to flu patients shortened the duration of the illness by four days, thanks to the polyphenols found in it (which prevent the entry of pathogens for cells) and antioxidants such as quercetin and rutin which are known to strengthen the immune system.

reduction in phlegm

The plant is also known for its expectorant abilities, so it is commonly used in cases of colds, coughs, bronchitis, sinusitis, asthma and various allergies. These abilities have been proven in many studies, including a study published in 2018 in the journal Complementary Therapies in Medicine which found that its consumption is effective in reducing phlegm in diseases of which it is a part.

Lowering blood sugar levels

A study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry in 2019 showed that consuming elderberry increases insulin production, which helps get sugar into cells. It was also found that it accelerates the production of an enzyme called alpha-glucosidase that reduces the blood sugar level.

Help for heart health

The elderberry benefits the cardiovascular system as it is rich in anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants that give the fruit of the plant its purple color. It was found that it reduces the levels of lipids in the blood, in the aorta and in the liver and thus also the risk of cardiovascular diseases. In addition, in a study published in 2012 in the journal World Academy of Science Engineering and Technology, it was found that its consumption reduces the level of uric acid whose presence causes an increase in blood pressure.

Gut health support

Elderberry is rich in dietary fiber, and especially in pectin, which contribute to a long feeling of satiety and nourish the population of friendly bacteria in the intestines, prevent nausea and bloating and regulate bowel movements. It also has 16 amino acids, some of which are essential for the synthesis of proteins that the body does not know how to produce, as well as essential fatty acids (linoleic, linoleic and oleic acid (omega 3, 6 and 9)


Elderberry consumption has been proven to have a diuretic effect like the drug hydrochlorothiazide, which is used to treat high blood pressure and to treat edema. In addition, a study published in 2015 in the Journal of Functional Foods found that consuming elderberry encourages sodium excretion from the kidneys through the urine.


Elderberry has many antioxidants (anthocyanins, quercetin, polyphenols, etc.) that fight free radicals and help prevent the development of cancer by various mechanisms. For example, in a study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food in 2006, it was found that the elderberry helps prevent the formation of cancer cells.

Improvement in the appearance of the skin

The elder flowers have flavonoids, antioxidants that prevent the free radicals from damaging the skin cells and accelerating its aging. Also, the elderflower suspension helps treat acne due to the antiseptic properties of the plant.

How to use elderberry?

As an enriching powder: in samosas, juices, infusions, jams and desserts or as a natural purple food coloring to decorate creams, ice creams, drinks and soups. 1-2 teaspoons constitute a daily dose, and it is recommended to buy organic powder.

As flowers in an infusion: put a heaping teaspoon of elderflowers in a glass, pour over boiling water, cover for at least fifteen minutes, filter and drink. Recommended for babies to prevent diseases and boost immunity (preferably cool to drinking temperature before).

As a syrup: for the treatment and prevention of the diseases mentioned above.

Finally, here are two simple, tasty and healthy recipes:

Smoothie for young and essential facial skin


100 grams of frozen acai puree (or a large frozen banana)

1 cup of berries (at least two types of the following fruits: strawberries, blueberries, currants, cherries)

2 dates

4 large lettuce leaves

2 teaspoons of chia seeds or flax seeds

2 teaspoons of organic elderberry powder + 1 additional teaspoon for decoration

1/2 cup of water


Grind everything in a food processor to a uniform puree, pour into two individual cups and sprinkle half a teaspoon of elderberry powder for decoration over each portion.

Fortifying creamy purple soup


1 purple sweet potato

6 medium units of Jerusalem potato (or small cauliflower)

1 purple onion

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 teaspoon of fine Himalayan salt

A pinch of fresh or dried thyme

2 teaspoons of organic elderberry powder

5 teaspoons of natural almond butter


Cut the vegetables into cubes, mix in olive oil and roast for about 15 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Transfer the roasted vegetables to a pot, pour over boiling water to cover and bring to a boil. Season with salt and thyme and cook on a low flame for about 20 minutes, until the vegetables soften. Grind the soup in a hand blender to a smooth texture, add the elderberry powder and mix well. Add the almond butter, mix and serve hot.

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