Helena Tannure says depression ‘is not a lack of spirituality’

by time news

2023-09-28 01:36:54

Although emotional problems are an increasingly recognized reality in Christian circles, many still have a mistaken view of disorders such as depression, considered by experts to be the disease of the century.

Depression was the target of a comment made by pastor Helena Tannure, who used social media to warn about the importance of mental health care.

Tannure published an image that shows how different reactions can be when we are faced with reports of physical illnesses, such as an infection, compared to emotional illnesses.

The image suggests that, in the case of depression, many remain silent when they hear someone say they are facing this problem, as if they are not taking this reality seriously, unlike when someone contracts a viral infection, for example.

It’s not “freshness”

Helena Tannure, in turn, was adamant in saying that “depression is not a cool thing”, but rather “an illness”. The pastor also recalled that, contrary to what some insinuate, this emotional disorder also has nothing to do with a lack of faith.

“Depression is not a lack of spirituality”, wrote Tannure, citing as an example one of the most emblematic biblical characters, the prophet Elijah, who for some would have suffered from depression – although this understanding is not unanimous among experts.

“If it were [falta de fé], Elijah would not have clear symptoms of depression immediately after overcoming the prophets of Baal. Do not aggravate the illness with words or indifference. Be part of the healing, praying, welcoming, seeking professional help”, added the pastor.

Tannure’s followers reacted positively to his publication, with many indicating the need for the topic to be discussed more in churches. “If all Christians thought the same, it would be a blessing, there wouldn’t be so many people within churches afraid to open up about this subject and be judged as weak in faith”, commented an internet user.

#Helena #Tannure #depression #lack #spirituality

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