Her words are what drives me forward..! Sitara Krishnakumar about her daughter

by time news

Sithara Krishnakumar is one of the favorite singers of Malayalam film playback singers. Fans have now taken over the new social media post of the actor who is also active on social media. This is a video shared by Sithara on Instagram talking about her daughter. The singer’s words about her daughter are also getting attention.

Sitara shared a video of her daughter’s letters filled with love saying that she misses her mother on each of her travels. The daughter is fondly called as Sitara Kunjumani. Sithara’s daughter’s name is Sawan Ritu. Sithara is about the beautiful baby letters written by the daughter and the words in the letter,

She shared the video of her daughter’s letters… Sitara Krishnakumar says that these words of her daughter are what drives me forward in life. Sithara says that I become calm when I remember these words. Sithara says to her daughter that you always be my baby.

Just like Sithara, the star’s daughter has a huge fan following. Kunj Sayu’s songs also got the audience’s attention. Sayu is a great child singer just like her mother. Sayu’s songs have gone viral on social media before.

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