Here is the record where my whole life is

by time news

twelve o’clock, May 4, 2021 – 09:47 am

«’O Sud è fesso» from tomorrow on newsstands with Corriere del Mezzogiorno

of Patrizio Trampetti

Ngoing against the current has always been my way of dealing with artistic life. In the 1970s, I was writing verses for myself and for others. Edoardo quotes me in Renegade: «I asked Patrizio to give me a lyrics for a song and now I know he’s crazy to tie …» I went around with the NCCP to sing and play in the Feste dell’Unità, where aggregation was the most important glue that went beyond party politics. I went through the eighties unscathed, where everything we had fought for up to then was swallowed up by Milan to drink and by Reganian hedonism. In the 90s and to follow, my love for theater conquered me with the enthusiasm of an adult boy who embarks on a new adventure. There is my whole life in the album I have just recorded, “‘O Sud è fesso”, and which will be distributed from tomorrow with the Corriere del Mezzogiorno for a month and a half. A CD that is solid stuff, to listen to, while the music they say has become liquid … But, at a more than mature age, I feel I can still propose my musical world: like a sailor who no longer has sails to meet, to the drift, knowing to go …

May 4, 2021 | 09:47


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