High-tech dairy complex opened in Pruzhany district

by time news

2023-07-12 10:13:00

A dairy farm for 1,000 heads was solemnly opened at Velikoselskoye Agro OJSC in the Pruzhany district on July 11, BelTA informs.

The livestock facility was built according to the original project specifically for the needs and level of this farm. A dairy farm, in fact, a whole complex consisting of several cowsheds, a milking unit, a maternity ward, a calf shed, a silo trench, a pumping station, and other buildings and structures, is a modern milk production factory. More than 1.5 thousand animals are kept here, including 1 thousand dairy cows, which are served by a staff of 39 people.

“What we see at this complex is the general strategy of the republic for the development of dairy cattle breeding,” said First Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food Sergei Fedchenko, who took part in the opening of the MTF. “As the head of state says, by 2030 we will keep all milking livestock in such well-maintained technological livestock complexes, where conditions have been created for both animals (to comply with the technology, milking, and maintenance), and for the livestock breeders who work here.” .

Br39.1 million was spent on the construction of the complex, which lasted 16 months, of which Br19.9 million was a loan from the Development Bank, the rest was the OJSC’s own funds. Now the milk yield per cow here is 28.5 liters of milk. The farm is fully equipped, works as a finished production and already brings profit to the company.

“These animals used to be on old farms, they were even tethered. The animals were moved to new comfortable conditions. From this we received additional milk yield. Today, the additional monthly income allows us to cover the loan payments. Figuratively speaking, we have almost paid off this project today. We are very pleased with this,” said Vasily Sevostyanchik, director of Velikoselskoye Agro OJSC.

Chairman of the Pruzhany District Executive Committee Mikhail Grishkevich noted the impressive development dynamics of the enterprise, which is among the top five in the Brest region. “The fusion of technologies, production discipline gives such results. The level of production in the economy can be considered a reference. The object turned out to be indicative – for this special thanks to the team of PMK-21, who built it, ”said the head of the district.

Currently, about 70 livestock facilities are being built and modernized in the Brest region. The difficult material and labor-intensive path that the region has chosen in milk production is bringing positive results. Now the average milk yield per cow in the region is almost 21 liters. It is expected that by the end of the year it will exceed 7 thousand kg of milk.

“Over the past six months, we have grown by more than 9% in milk production. The dairy herd was increased by 6,000 heads, and the cattle — by almost 19,000. It’s like adding another Gantsevichi district. And these rates are already difficult to contain, because everyone sees a financial return. The average salary in the agricultural sector in the region is almost Br1.4 thousand. We have overtaken many other regions, which was not the case before. We plan to create a herd of at least 300,000 cows by 2030 and receive 30 liters of milk daily so that we can produce 9-10,000 tons per day. Accordingly, there will be an economy, we will be able to regulate this production by market methods. This will allow us (it already allows us today) to work as we want, and not as someone dictates to us,” said Valentin Zaichuk, First Deputy Chairman of the Brest Regional Executive Committee.

In general, 61% of the total number of dairy herds in the republic is kept on modern farms. Construction and reconstruction of more than 110 commercial dairy complexes of industrial type is underway.

#Hightech #dairy #complex #opened #Pruzhany #district

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