History and Significance of World Umbrella Day on 10th February

by time news

2024-02-10 01:43:58

OWorld Umbrella Day is observed on 10th February every year.

Umbrella is celebrated not only to protect us from the sun’s rays and rain, but also on this day we celebrate the world’s most useful invention, the umbrella.

In ancient times the umbrella was used to prevent the shadow of the sun from falling on people. The umbrella was first discovered about 4,000 years ago. In Egyptian countries, these were called parasols 3500 years ago. A parasol is an umbrella used in the sun. At that time, the umbrella was seen as an item of honor, the exclusive use of Egyptian nobility, royalty and clergy. Holders of umbrellas have a special honor and are designated separately as umbrella holders. Parasols, intended for protection from the sun, were gradually replaced by the Chinese in the eleventh century as a service for rain. A few changes were made and umbrellas were arranged in layers to show one’s financial status. The Chinese emperor’s umbrella consisted of four tiers. These tiers were reduced according to the position of the person in the government.

There are evidences of umbrellas in countries like Egypt, Greece and China since ancient times. Early Pallava, Chola and sculpture works definitely have the umbrella form. It can be used to know its duration. Historical data suggests that the Tamils ​​and the Chinese have used umbrellas since ancient times.

Later it was the Chinese who invented the waterproof umbrella to protect against rain. Wax is applied to allow water to dissipate. The word ‘umbrella’ is derived from the Latin word ‘umbra’. This word means shade or shadow.

The umbrella became popular in the West in the 16th century. Used for rain especially in Northern Europe. Initially the umbrella was considered and used as a device suitable for women. Persian tourist and writer Jonas Hanway popularized the umbrella among men. The British referred to their umbrella as Hanwe. [JonasHanway)என்பவர்குடையைஆண்கள்மத்தியில்பிரபலப்படுத்தினார்ஆங்கிலயர்கள்தங்களின்குடையைஹன்வேஎன்றுகுறிப்பிட்டனர்

The world’s first umbrella shop was opened in London in 1830 under the name of James Smith and Sons. The store still operates in London at 53 New Oxford Street.

In early Europe it was made of wood or whalebone and covered with oil canvas. Also, the umbrella wire had decorative designs. The price was accordingly. In 1852, Samuel Fox designed an umbrella with iron rods. Further. He started a company called English Steels Company.

Today umbrellas are available for sale in various designs and materials. Glow-in-the-dark radium umbrellas are also available for sale to gift relatives and friends with beautiful artistic umbrellas.

It is a true fact that when we remember the advantages of umbrellas with different types of history, the umbrellas that we have forgotten and left behind in the rain will come to mind. Well, if you think about what the oldest umbrella would be, doesn’t it seem like the first umbrella that Krishna used to protect the people from the rain by holding up the Govardhana hill itself?

Vathi Agastheeswaran

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