Holding a refereeing analysis workshop for the Stars League matches via ZOOM »

by times news cr

The Referees Committee and Department held an analysis workshop on the recent important arbitration cases for the 26th and 27th rounds of the Iraq Stars League competitions via the ZOOM platform, in the presence of the President of the Iraqi Football Federation, Adnan Darjal.

A statement from the Football Association, received by the (INA), stated that “most of the arbitration cases were addressed, and matters that help reduce errors were explained, and the best of the arbitration system in particular and with all its names was presented, and a detailed explanation was given of the errors that occurred.”
He added, “The President of the Football Association, Adnan Darjal, stressed the support of the Referees Committee in the coming days, and directed the referees to the need for certainty and accuracy in making decisions.”
For his part, Director of the Referees Department, Ali Sabah, touched on the review processes and the communication mechanism between the VAR room and the arbitration team, reducing the review time depending on the case, as well as the mechanism for drawing lines for offside and penalty area cases.
Sabah spoke about “the importance of choosing the main situation and the referee’s conviction through multiple cameras, and also that the referee must have leadership of the players, coaches, and the technical area with complete flow in order to achieve justice among everyone, as well as emphasizing not allowing violent play, and protecting players from unjustified play.” .

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