Hon. Ndabirabe Gelase participates in the 2023 communal festival in Matongo –

by time news

2023-08-09 18:31:43

Decentralization and Engagement in Matongo: Hon. Ndabirabe Gelase joins the 2023 communal feast

Butanyerera (Kayanza; Matongo commune), 5/08/2023 – The calm atmosphere of the Matongo commune, in Kayanza, was the setting for a day in accordance with Burundi’s decentralization policy. In the presence of local residents, this day was marked by community development work (TDC – ) and fraternal exchanges.

SATURDAY, Hon. Ndabirabe Gelase Daniel, President of the National Assembly of Burundimarked its presence at the 2023 municipal festival organized by Mme Nsabiyumva Alice, Communal Administrator of Matongo. Honorably recognized for his contribution to the development of his hill and his native town, he was honored with a certificate of recognition. After sharing a traditional local meal, Ms. Nsabiyumva Alice took stock of the major local achievements. Hon. Ndabirabe then took the floor, reminding citizens of the adjustment of the territorial division of the country, going from 18 provinces to 5, aimed at strengthening the efficiency of public administration and facilitating the implementation of public policies adapted to the needs. local. He encouraged citizens to familiarize themselves with this new territorial organization and to get actively involved in the implementation of the resulting policies, for the well-being of all. He also underlined the vital role of local administration in the decentralization policy, with municipalities playing a crucial role in land use planning and local governance. By addressing the demographic question, he cordially called on the inhabitants to consider the reasoned management of births.

Source : Nahimana P., Wednesday 9 August 2023 | Photo : Parliament meeting

#Hon #Ndabirabe #Gelase #participates #communal #festival #Matongo

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