Hope for Germany? Isaak rises in the betting odds – 2024-05-09 10:56:22

by times news cr

2024-05-09 10:56:22

Singer Isaak competes for Germany in the Eurovision Song Contest. The hope of a good placement was previously low – but now the tide is turning.

The starting signal for this year’s Eurovision Song Contest has been fired: the first semi-final of the music competition took place on Tuesday, followed by the second semi-final on Thursday. The two live shows will determine which 26 of a total of 37 nations will qualify for the final on Saturday, May 11th.

As part of the so-called “Big Five”, Germany does not have to worry about progressing for various reasons: Just like Great Britain, Spain, France and Italy, the German candidate Isaak is seeded for the final. However, during the semi-finals he was given the opportunity to present his ESC song “Always on the Run” on the big stage. The musician took advantage of his chance – and is rising in the betting providers’ forecasts.

Isaak’s performance was convincing

Isaak’s performance captivated the audience and TV viewers at home not only because of the pompous stage setting with fire and pyrotechnics, the singer was also celebrated for his vocal performance. The ESC fans were impressed on all social media platforms and showered him with compliments.

But that’s not all: As can be seen on the ESC portal “eurovisionworld.com”, Isaak’s appearance was also well received by the betting offices. While he was well outside the top 20 just a few days ago, he moved up a few places with his strong performance. He is currently in 19th place (as of May 8th, 6 p.m.) – and the trend is rising.

The bookmakers’ betting odds are considered a more or less reliable forecast before the Eurovision Song Contest. In the run-up to the music competition, ESC fans can bet on the act that they think has the best chance of winning. A clear indication of who will be well received by the audience with their title.

You can continue betting until the final on Saturday. So there is a possibility that Isaak will continue to gain popularity among music fans. Croatia is currently ahead in the bookmakers’ forecast, followed by Switzerland and Italy. In recent years, Germany has had to record several ESC bankruptcies. Only once did the Federal Republic not come last or second to last in the final: in 2018, Michael Schulte sang his way to fourth place with “You Let Me Walk Alone”.

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