Horde has hidden one million kroner in Norwegian nature. This is how you join the money hunt.

by time news

Last year, a Bergen finance company invested over one million kroner in the forest.

The publicity stunt led to thousands of Norwegians going hunting, following hint after hint with arguable eyes.

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Due to the huge load, the live broadcast from the place where the box was hidden crashed several times.

Many were concerned about how far people would go to win, and the company eventually had to replace the money with a note with a code word on it.

Now NOK 1.1 million has been allocated to a new location in Norway, informs the company, Horde.

Her you can follow the live stream.

NOK 1,078,218: On Tuesday, the finance company Horde placed a box with over one million kroner in the forest. The box was found overnight on Monday. Video: Horde Show more

– Important and current problem

The founder of the company, Alf Gunnar Andersen, tells Dagbladet that last year’s much talked about publicity stunt was great fun.

– It created a lot of engagement. At the same time, we were able to focus on an important and current problem – many Norwegians have high consumer debt. That is why we are doing this again, he says.

READY FOR A NEW HUNT: Alf Gunnar Andersen, general manager of the finance company Horde. Photo: Horde Show more

Daily hints

It was in October last year that Andersen and his colleagues placed exactly NOK 1,078,218 in the forest.

The sum corresponded to the number of people with interest-bearing consumer debt in Norway, the finance company claimed.

The company gave hints almost daily about where the box was, and Norwegians analyzed everything from weather to wind on the live stream to find out where the box was.

In the end it was Sigurd Sundklakk and Hans Inge Josdal – who did not know each other before – who, after an intense week of searching separately, collaborated and found it together.

– I threw up a bit, me, said the former to Dagbladet after the money was literally in the box.

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Treasure hunting feeling

The Horde founder tells Dagbladet that since then his company has received many questions from Norwegians about creating a new money box hunt.

Now a new box has been placed somewhere in Norwegian nature.

– Many thought it was fun to have to get out into nature. There is something very special about the feeling of a treasure hunt that both gives excitement and a kind of nostalgia back to childhood. This is an experience we would like to give again, concludes Andersen.

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