How and when the primary elections of SYRIZA for the European elections will be held

by time news

2024-03-14 13:09:32

The key days for his primaries SYRIZA – Progressive Alliance that will present the MEP candidates of the official opposition party in the upcoming European elections were decided during the meeting of the executive office of the official opposition party.

In particular, the deadline for submitting nominations for the European elections primaries on the electronic platform was set for March 17.

On March 22, the list of candidates who will participate in the primary elections will be announced.

On April 14, the primary elections will be held by ballot box, but also probably hybrid, as decided at the meeting of the executive office of the main opposition party.

Finally, it was decided that those who will participate in the primary elections should be or register as members of SYRIZA – Progressive Alliance.

Who has signed up and who is nearby

It is noted that so far the former Member of Parliament B’ Thessaloniki and former press representative of the party Dora Augeri, the former government representative of ND governments Evangelos Antonaros have filed their candidacy for the primary elections, while the current MEPs Elena Kountoura and Kostas Arvanitis will be candidates automatically. Accordingly, the former basketball player Nikos Pappas has expressed his intentions to be a candidate with SYRIZA – PS, as has the member of the Central Committee George Tsipras.

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