How are the polls going in Jalisco? This is how the candidates are heading towards the 2024 elections on April 12

by times news cr

2024-04-17 18:16:27

Las elections 2024 are just around the corner and surveys revealed that in Jalisco, there could be a change of command. We tell you how the electoral preference is going on April 12 of the candidates seeking to govern the entity.

According to data revealed by MetricsMX at the cutoff of March 6, the candidates of the alliance of the Fourth Transformation (Morena-PT-PVEM) and Citizen Movement (MC) The governorship of Jalisco would be debated.

Although the voting intention the electoral landscape has changed and now, the voting intention revealed an important difference between the candidates to govern the Jalisco entity in the face of the 2024 elections.

In this sense, the candidates Among those who will debate the governorship of Jalisco until March 6 are:

MetricsMx Jalisco Survey: The distance is shortening between Claudia Delgadillo and Pablo Lemus towards the 2024 elections

As of April 12, the MetricsMX Jalisco survey revealed that the electoral distance among the candidates Claudia Delgadillo and Pablo Lemusit gets shorter and shorter.

It is worth remembering that the three candidates seeking to govern the entity already faced each other during the first debate Jalisco 2024made the past Sunday March 17.

Now, the applicants will once again present their proposals and meet face to face in the second Jalisco debate that will take place Saturday April 13th.

Under this context, the MetricsMx Jalisco survey exposed how the distance between Claudia Delgadillo and Pablo Lemus it’s getting smaller As the days progress toward elections 2024.

The most read in Jalisco

And even though the lead is Claudia Delgadillo from Morena, PT and PVEM with a 38.9 percentthe candidate fell 5.8% about the survey conducted last month.

While Pablo Lemus of the Citizen Movement arrived with a 30.6 percent as of April 12, increasing its percentage in 2.6 percent.

This is how the voting intention of the candidates goes according to the MetricsMX Jalisco survey:

  • Claudia Delgadillo González, with 38.9%
  • Jesús Pablo Lemus Navarro, with 30.6%
  • Laura Lorena Haro Ramírez, with 17.2%

MetricsMx survey in Jalisco (Eduardo Díaz/

MetricsMx Jalisco Survey: Claudia Delgadillo and Morena take the lead with an advantage of more than 16 percentage points

Claudia Delgadillo remains as the leading candidate to govern Jalisco heading to the elections 2024 on June 2.

According to the MetricsMX survey published Wednesday March 6when asked “If today were the elections for governor of Jalisco, which party or coalition would you vote for?” SDPnews Share the results with you.

Claudia Delgadillo of the coalitionLet’s continue making history in Jalisco” (Morena, PT, PVEM) leads with 44.7%, that is, it rose 1.9% over the survey carried out in January.

Morena’s candidate is followed by Jesus Pablo Lemus Navarro of Citizen Movement with 28% of the intention of the vote. It also increased its percentage by 1.4%

Very far away, with 14.7%, is Laura Lorena Haro Ramirez of the allianceStrength and Heart for Jalisco” (PAN, PRI and PRD), who decreased one tenth.

8.1% said they did not know who they would vote for and 4.5% said they would not vote.

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Jalisco MetricsMx Survey on the 2024 Elections (Eduardo Díaz/

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Jalisco MetricsMx Survey on the 2024 Elections (Eduardo Díaz/

Brunette could “snatch” Jalisco to Citizen Movement

The survey MetricsMX pointed out the 12th of Januarythat according to the surveys carried out, the coalition of Morena could “snatch him” the state of Jalisco to Citizen Movement.

It should be remembered that the entity is currently led by the Emecista governor Enrique Alfaro Ramírez.

Under this context, the MetricsMX measurement found that more than 40% of those surveyed would vote for Morena’s pre-candidate, Claudia Delgadillo González, leaving in second place to the candidate of the orange party, Pablo Lemus.

This is how the polls positioned the pre-candidates of Jalisco towards the 2024 elections until January 12:

  • Claudia Delgadillo González from the Morena coalition with 42.8%
  • Jesús Pablo Lemus Navarro of Movimiento Ciudadano with 26.4%
  • Laura Lorena Haro Ramírez of the PAN, PRI and PRD with 14.8%
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MetricsMx Jalisco survey corresponding to the month of January 2024 (Eduardo Díaz)

How well known are the pre-candidates for the governorship of Jalisco on the way to the 2024 elections?

The consulting firm De las Heras Demotecnia It has already begun its measurements since November 23, 2023.

This survey, carried out on people over 18 years of age with voter identification cards and quantitatively on households, reflects whether they know the following party candidates:

  • Pablo Lemus, of Citizen Movement, 64 percent of the population knows it
  • Claudia Delgadillo, of the We Continue Making History alliance of Morena, PT, Partido Verde, Hagamos and Futuro (the last two local parties), is known for29 percent of Jalisco residents
  • Veronica Delgadillo, of Citizen Movement, 23 percent of voters know it
  • Diana González Martínez, of the PAN, PRI and PRD coalition, Seven percent of Jalisco who can vote know her
  • Laura Haro Ramírez, of the PAN, PRI and PRD coalition, Eight percent of the survey population knows it

Who are the favorite candidates to govern Jalisco, according to the De las Heras survey?

According to the consulting firm De las Heras Demotecnia, the favorite candidates for the governorship of Jalisco are:

  • 38% by Claudia Delgadillo from Morena
  • 33% by Pablo Lemus from Movimiento Ciudadano
  • 19% by Diana González Martínez of the PAN, PRI and PRD

MetricsMx Survey: Pablo Lemus was at the head of the electoral preferences

Before the survey revealed by MetricsMx on January 12, there was an evident preference towards the mayor of Guadalajara and representative of Citizen movement, Jesús Pablo Lemus Navarro.

With 30.2% of the voting intention, Municipal president Pablo Lemus was the favorite to become the candidate of the Emecista party heading to the elections 2024.

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MetricsMx Jalisco Survey (Eduardo Díaz/

MetricsMx Survey: There was a close fight in Morena to choose its candidate to govern Jalisco in 2024

On the other hand, preferences were closed within the party of Morena and allies to choose the candidate who will compete in the 2024 elections in the state of Jalisco, where she was victorious Claudia Delgadillo González.

According to the MetricsMX surveythe applicants Carlos Lomeli, Jose Maria Martinez, Antonio Perez Garibay and Cecilia Marquez They were on each other’s heels in terms of electoral preference.

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Carlos Lomelí, candidate for governor of Jalisco (Misael Valtierra / Misael Valtierra)

These are the candidates to coordinate the 4T Defense Committees in Jalisco:

  • Carlos Lomeli
  • José María Martínez
  • Antonio Pérez Garibay
  • Cecilia Marquez
  • Claudio Delgadillo
  • Clara Cardenas

Although the internal dispute in the guinda party is closed, the 31.4% of the population of Jalisco assured that He still doesn’t know who he would prefer as a candidate. of the 4T towards the 2024 elections.

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MetricsMx Jalisco Survey (Eduardo Díaz/

2024-04-17 18:16:27

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