How Bones Change As You Age and How to Keep Them Healthy – Expert Advice from Cleveland Health

by time news
2023-05-27 07:54:14

As we age, our bones lose bone mass and our bone density may decrease. Our bones also become more fragile and break more easily.

Natural bone loss accelerates in middle age. This is especially true during menopause (usually around age 50, defined as premature menopause if it happens before age 45). During this time, levels of protective estrogen decrease. “For men, the loss is more gradual because testosterone slowly declines,” explains Dr. deal out.

At age 65, however, everyone is in the same boat, as the rate of bone loss is similar between the sexes. From there, bone mass gradually declines for the rest of your life, putting you at greater risk for fractures.

“For every five years that pass after age 65, your risk of fracture essentially doubles,” says Dr. Deal against Cleveland Health.

Our lifestyle has a major impact on bone health as we age. It is important to lead a healthy lifestyle with sufficient exercise and activities that stimulate bone renewal. Regular exercise helps maintain healthy bones and can also help reduce the symptoms of osteoporosis. In addition, a healthy diet, rich in calcium and vitamin D, is important to maintain bone health.

Bron(nen): Cleveland Health
#bones #change #older

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