How far will microbiomes take us?

by time news

2023-09-04 12:10:54

What do we owe to the microbes that we host in quantity in our intestines, on our skin? How do all these microbes and bacteria make us who we are?

What do we owe to the microbes and bacteria that we harbor in quantity in our intestines, on our skin? And which make us what we are: ecosystems that are more bacterial than human. What does this microbiotic and microbiomic revolution imply at all scales and in all areas of life? Why does this open up so many biological but also philosophical, anthropological and even political questions?

With Eric Bapteste research director at the CNRS, specialized in evolutionary microbiology and philosophy of biology for the international colloquium “New challenges posed by the microbiome” which will be held on September 15 in Paris


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