How I feed my three kids on $100 a month as a Costco mom

by time news

As a mother of three kids, Jessica Rodriguez knows the challenges of feeding a family on a budget. But with some strategic planning and smart shopping, she’s been able to feed her family for just $100 a month – and she’s doing it all at Costco.

Rodriguez, who refers to herself as a “Costco mom,” has found that the bulk-buying warehouse store has everything she needs to keep her family fed on a tight budget. She says that by carefully planning her meals and making the most of Costco’s bulk offerings, she’s been able to significantly cut down on her grocery expenses.

“I started really paying attention to what we were eating and how much we were spending,” Rodriguez says. “I realized that by buying in bulk at Costco, I could get better deals and stretch our budget further.”

One of the key strategies Rodriguez uses is meal planning. By taking the time to plan out her family’s meals for the week, she’s able to buy exactly what she needs and avoid the temptation to make impulse purchases. She also takes advantage of Costco’s bulk offerings, buying items like rice, pasta, and frozen vegetables in large quantities to stretch her food budget.

Rodriguez also credits Costco’s affordable prices for helping her keep her grocery costs down. She says that the store’s deals on staples like chicken, ground beef, and produce allow her to buy quality ingredients without breaking the bank.

While feeding a family of five for just $100 a month may seem like a challenge, Rodriguez’s experience shows that it’s possible with careful planning and savvy shopping. And for other parents looking to save on their grocery expenses, she recommends taking a page out of her book and giving Costco a try.

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