How Italy ‘in yellow’ will work from next Monday

by time news – No longer a country only ‘in orange’ or ‘red’. From Monday, the ‘yellow’ and ‘white’ will return to the map that signals the anti Covid measures. After the tightening in April, each Region, starting next week, will therefore be able to aspire to the lowest level of restrictions in the context of the color system used to decide measures based on the contagion index.

From the face-to-face school to the go-ahead to outdoor shows, to the ‘green certificate’ for those who are vaccinated or swab negative, here are the main measures contained in the draft of the new Covid decree:

School in attendance. Exceptions in exceptional cases

“From April 26 and until the end of the 2020-2021 school year, the provision of educational services for children, school and teaching activities in kindergarten and primary school is guaranteed throughout the country and of the lower secondary school, as well as of the scholastic and didactic activities of the upper secondary school, for at least 50% of the student population “.

“The provisions referred to in the first period cannot be waived by provisions of the presidents of the Regions and autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano and of the mayors – it is specified – The derogation is allowed only in cases of exceptional and extraordinary necessity due to the presence of outbreaks o the extremely high risk of spreading the Sars-cov-2 virus or its variants in the school population. The derogation measures are justifiably adopted after consulting the competent health authorities and in compliance with the principles of adequacy and proportionality, also with reference to the possibility of limit its application to specific areas of the territory “, he adds.

“Second grade secondary school institutions adopt flexible forms in the organization of teaching activities, so that – it is specified – in the red zone the didactic activity in presence is guaranteed to at least 50 percent, and up to a maximum of 75 percent of the student population. The remaining part of the student population of the aforementioned educational institutions uses distance learning “. While in the yellow and orange zone, teaching in the presence of high schools must be guaranteed “to at least 60% and up to 100% of the student population”.

Finally, the draft provides that “from 26 April 2021 and until 31 July 2021, in the yellow and orange areas, the teaching and curricular activities of the universities” are carried out primarily in the presence according to the organization plans of teaching and curricular activities prepared in the compliance with guidelines and safety protocols “.

Movements between regions

“From April 26, 2021, movements into and out of the territories of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces that are located in the white and yellow zones are allowed.” “Movement into and out of the territories of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces located in orange or red zone – it is specified – are allowed to subjects with green certifications “.

Outdoor shows and contact sports

“Starting from April 26, 2021, in the yellow zone, the shows open to the public in theatrical halls, concert halls, cinemas, live-clubs and in other venues or spaces, even outdoors, are carried out exclusively with pre-assigned seats and on condition that the respect of the interpersonal distance of at least one meter is ensured both for the spectators who are not habitually cohabiting, and for the staff. The permitted capacity cannot exceed 50 percent of the maximum authorized and the maximum number of spectators however, it cannot be higher than 1,000 for outdoor shows and 500 for indoor shows, for each single room “.

The activities must be carried out in compliance with the guidelines in force. The shows open to the public remain suspended when it is not possible to ensure compliance with the conditions referred to in this article. “Always starting from April 26 and always in the yellow area, in compliance with the guidelines in force, outdoor performances are permitted. any sporting activity including team and contact.

In any case, the use of changing rooms is forbidden unless otherwise established by the provisions referred to in article 2 of decree-law no. 19 of 2020 “.

How the ‘green card’ works

The Covid-19 green certification is coming: it will have to prove the status of vaccination or recovery from the infection or the carrying out of a rapid molecular or antigenic test with a negative result for the virus. “It is valid for six months and is issued, in paper or digital format, at the request of the interested party, by the healthcare facility that carries out the vaccination and at the same time, at the end of the prescribed cycle, and indicates the number of doses administered with respect to the number of doses provided for the person concerned “. The green Covid-19 certification regarding the molecular swab “is valid for forty-eight hours from issue and is produced, at the request of the interested party, in paper or digital format, by public health facilities, by authorized and accredited private ones and by the pharmacies that carry out the tests “carried out” by general practitioners or pediatricians of free choice “.

Visits to friends

“From 1 May to 15 June 2021, in the yellow zone and, in the municipal area, in the orange zone, it is allowed to move to a single inhabited private house, once a day, in compliance with the hourly limits for travel, and within the limit of four more people than those already living there, in addition to minors over whom such persons exercise parental responsibility and people with disabilities or non self-sufficient living together “. “The movement – it is emphasized – is not allowed in the territories in which the measures established for the red zone are applied”.

Swimming pools and shopping centers

“Starting from May 15, 2021, outdoor swimming pools are allowed in the yellow zone in compliance with the protocols and guidelines adopted by the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces on the basis of the criteria defined by the Technical-Scientific Committee”. Also from 15 May, in the yellow zone, the activities of the commercial establishments present in the markets and shopping centers, commercial galleries, commercial parks and other similar structures on holidays and pre-holidays can take place within the limits and in the manner provided by the provisions referred to in article 2, paragraph 1, of decree-law no. 19 of 2020 and by protocols and guidelines defined with the same provisions “.

Indoor gyms and restaurants

From 1 June, in the yellow zone, the activities of the catering services are also allowed indoors, with consumption at the table, from 5 to 18, or until a different time established by resolution of the Council of Ministers. Also starting from 1 June in the yellow zone the activities of gyms are allowed in compliance with the protocols and guidelines adopted by the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces on the basis of the criteria defined by the Technical-Scientific Committee “.

Spas, theme parks, fairs and congresses

From 1 July 2021 the activities of the spas and the activities of the theme and amusement parks are allowed in the yellow zone. Also from July 1st it is allowed, in the yellow zone, to take place in the presence of fairs. Green light also to conferences and congresses.


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