High cholesterol, how to lower it naturally and what to eat: remedies

by time news

High cholesterol, how to lower it naturally and what to eat: remedies

The cholesterol it is a fat that is naturally produced by the body and is also introduced through the diet. It is an important element because it participates in the synthesis of vitamin D and other substances and contributes to the maintenance of cell integrity.

If present too much in our body, it can nevertheless be risky. Its high presence can in fact cause even serious cardiovascular problems, such as heart attack and stroke.

There are simple ones natural remedies which can contribute to lower high cholesterol naturally and quickly. Here’s everything you need to know.

High cholesterol causes and remedies

Excess cholesterol can be caused by several cause: incorrect diet, wrong lifestyle, overweight and obesity, smoking, diabetes, age, physical inactivity.

To contribute to lower the levels of bad cholesterol We should therefore rely on a healthy diet, control weight, avoid incorrect habits such as smoking and alcohol, do regular physical activity.

There are gods natural remedies that help. So here’s what to do and what to eat.

High cholesterol, what to eat to lower it quickly

Some foods are a natural remedy aimed against cholesterol: they help to lower it.

A healthy diet is essential for the proper functioning of our body. Each food has certain properties capable of preventing or countering certain diseases. Let’s see what to eat to lower high cholesterol.

  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Avocado
  • fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, anchovies)
  • dried fruit in shell
  • legumes, whole grains
  • fruits and vegetables
  • Soy and derivatives (tofu or tempeh)
  • Green tea
  • Fermented red rice
  • Fiber supplements

High cholesterol: foods to avoid

To reduce cholesterol levels, it is advisable to avoid or at least reduce the following foods.

  • Alcohol and spirits
  • Sweets and sugary drinks or sodas
  • Packaged and industrial products
  • Fatty seasonings.
  • Ready meals, often too rich in salt and fat
  • Sausages
  • Fatty and red meats
  • Dairy products (it would be preferable to consume dairy products and low-fat cheeses, such as cow’s milk ricotta, yogurt and skimmed milk).
  • Eggs (national guidelines recommend 2 to 4 eggs per week)
  • Avoid frying (it is advisable to cook food preferably steamed, boiled and baked).

Before changing your diet and following these instructions, you need to ask your doctor or a specialist for advice.

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