How much does a vasectomy cost in Mexico?

by time news

2023-04-27 23:05:53

One of the best known and least popular methods of birth control is that of a vasectomy. Although this is due to a real ignorance regarding the procedure. It is a simple and effective operation and is highly recommended as a method of birth control in cases in which the man is not sure that he does not want to conceive children.

Thanks to current advances in surgical procedures, it is now much easier to perform it and with minimal risk of complications. Here we tell you everything about vasectomy.

What is a vasectomy?

Vasectomy is also known as male sterilization or deferentectomy and it is a surgical procedure performed on men and its purpose is to completely nullify the possibility of getting pregnant in a woman. That is, it is a permanent contraceptive method, which prevents the semen from being able to fertilize an egg.

Through a simple surgery, the vas deferens, which are the ones that carry sperm from the testicles to the urethra, are permanently cut and separated, which prevents the semen from being able to fertilize an egg.

Through a simple surgery, the vas deferens, which are the ones that carry sperm from the testicles to the urethra, are permanently cut and separated, which prevents sperm from leaving the testicles and achieves sterilization. Of course, you should know that a vasectomy annuls a man’s ability to have children, but it does not exempt the possibility of contracting Sexually Transmitted Diseases.

How it is performed?

Currently, there are two ways to perform a vasectomy. The former is known as the incision method, while the latter is the non-surgical procedure “no-scalpel vasectomy”. Both methods are simple and take between 10 and 30 minutes to execute.

The incision method begins by shaving the region of the patient’s scrotum, and then injecting local anesthetic into the area. The patient will be awake during the operation, but will not feel any pain. The surgeon will then make a small cut in the upper part of the scrotum. In some cases, he could also make two cuts on the sides.

On the other hand, a no-scalpel vasectomy is not much different from the previous procedure. Its difference is that, instead of making an incision to remove the seminal ducts from the scrotum, the surgeon will make a puncture with a special instrument, through which he will carry out the entire procedure.

How much does a vasectomy cost in Mexico?

In Mexico, a vasectomy is an outpatient operation that does not require hospitalization. This surgery costs around 15,000 pesos and has minimal preparation time and requirements.

This procedure does not require further care. However, the doctor will likely ask the patient not to take aspirin or blood thinners for several days before surgery.

It should be noted that the decrease in costs does not imply a decrease in the quality of the procedure, so the possibility of performing this surgery in Mexico represents a great advantage. Especially for those patients with reduced budget.

#vasectomy #cost #Mexico

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