How much does it cost, what does it cover and in which communities is it already mandatory?

by time news

2023-07-22 13:44:53

He liability insurance for dogs Until now it was an obligation only for citizens who have animals of breeds considered “potentially dangerous”. However, when the new Law for the Protection of Animal Rights and Welfare enters into force, contracting a policy of this type will be required of all dog owners.

The regulation, which will be approved on Monday by the Ministry of Social Rights and the 2030 Agenda, establishes in article 30 that “Throughout the life of the animal, the owner must contract and maintain valid insurance civil liability for damages to third parties.

Likewise, it orders that the insurance coverage contracted include to the people responsible for the animal, “for an amount of sufficient amount to cover the possible derived expenses, which will be established by regulation.”

The civil liability insurance for dogs is part of the new rules established for the holders of these animals along with others such as passing a training course on possession and accrediting that the furry in your charge is sociable.

According to estimates from the National Association of Animal Food Manufacturers (ANFAAC), in 2022 the dog population in Spain exceeded 9.3 million.

What is dog liability insurance?

It is a type of policy that covers the damage that a pet, in this case a dog, may cause to third parties. To date, this was a requirement that only those citizens who have animals of breeds classified as potentially dangerous had to comply with, but the Animal Welfare Law that is about to be approved establishes that all dogs, regardless of breed, have civil liability insurance.

This category of insurance covers physical injuries, property damage and any other damage caused by a dog. The standard specifies that the insurance coverage is not limited to third parties, but also includes the damages that may cause to the people with whom you live.

How much money does it cost?

The price of civil liability insurance varies depending on the company, but it is usually set according to the breed, size and age of the animal.

Among pet insurance, civil liability is among the basic ones. The cheapest price is around 24 euros per year, but there are options of up to 90 euros for the annuity for coverage with a ceiling of up to 150,000 euros.

However, taking into account the norm that establishes the compulsory contracting of insurance for all pet owners, the insurance comparator ‘Rastreador’ estimates the cost from 97 to 400 euros per year, since the norm requires complete guarantees.

Recently, an insurer launched a financial product of this type that allows you to choose a coverage from 60,000 to 1.2 million of euros. In addition, regarding the new law, there are companies that also offer dog owners to contract the guarantees of criminal defense and criminal bail.

Where is dog insurance already required?

The only places in Spain where the new Animal Welfare Law will not mean a change are the Community of Madrid and the Basque Country, since in both citizens are already required to take out civil liability insurance for dogs, regardless of the breed.

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