How to clean bathroom easily with foods and drinks – how to clean bathroom easily with foods and drinks – 2024-05-12 08:02:21

by times news cr

2024-05-12 08:02:21
The more hacks you know for cleaning the bathroom, the less you will need. This is because this place keeps getting dirty for some reason or the other. Sometimes dust accumulates, sometimes calcium stains appear, and sometimes stubborn traces of soap-conditioner do not leave. Different brains have to be used for everything. And this is the reason why people buy many types of products from the market for bathroom cleaning.

However, there are some food items that can make the cleaning task easier for you. You should also know what these things are and how to use them. (Photo courtesy: pixabay)

baking soda powder

From baking cookies to adding yeast to the dosa batter, baking soda powder can be used to remove stubborn stains in the bathroom. For this, just add a good amount of this powder in some warm water and apply the solution on the mark. After some time, clean the area by scrubbing and wash it with water. (Photo courtesy: pixabay)


Vinegar is a powerful cleaning tool that enhances the flavor of your chow mein. Mix it in lukewarm water and sprinkle it on the tiles. Leave it for a while and then wipe the tiles.

plain soda

Bring a bottle of plain soda from the market. You can put it around the sink or drain cover. It can also be put around the toilet seat. This liquid will loosen the grip of the accumulated dirt, making it easier for you to scrub it clean.

cold drink

If you want, you can also use cold drink. You can also apply this directly on those places where stubborn stains are not getting removed and then clean them by scrubbing. Keep in mind that cold drinks contain colour. In such a situation, if it is allowed to dry for too long, it will stain.


Has the faucet lost its shine? So you can use lemon to clean them. Simply cut the lemon into two and rub it directly onto the tap. After this, clean the taps with a wet cloth. (Photo courtesy: pixabay)


Taps can also be glazed with tomato ketchup. For this, apply this red thick liquid on the tap using cotton, brush or finger and rub it lightly with the brush. Leave it for some time and then clean it with a wet cloth.

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