How to decolonize science? – Around the question

by time news

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Viewpoints from committed researchers gathered in Cotonou, Benin, for the 2nd international Science in the South colloquium… Where are we really? What obstacles must be overcome for a science truly open to all?

Many scientists, in the countries of the South as in the North, are campaigning for a wider dissemination of knowledge resulting from research. We talk about “open science”. How to give African researchers the opportunity to contribute fully to global research, by publishing their results?

What obstacles does this sharing of data come up against, sometimes collected with great difficulty in the field and with few resources for researchers?

How and why to “decolonize” science by opening it up to local knowledge?

Interviews of Charlie Dupiot with researchers from the continent, on the occasion of the second international symposium “Open Science in the Southin Cotonou, Benin, organized by IRD, CIRAD and the National Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters of Benin.

Among them :

Gilbert Willy Tio Babenaat the head of the “Grenier des savoirs” project at the University of Maroua (Cameroon);

Ouahid Elasri, researcher at Mohamed First University in Oujda (Morocco);

– Minata Traore, documentary filmmaker at Nazi University Boni Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso);

Sylvie Galleresearcher at the IRD (France) and co-head of the Laboratoire Mixte International – Center for the Study of Water Resources and the Critical Zone;

Vincent Namronadoctoral student in Information Sciences in Bangui (Central African Republic).

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