How to do it.. How to prevent certain apps from using cellular data on iPhone

by time news

Unlike a Wi-Fi connection, cellular data is more expensive and frequently capped, even on so-called “unlimited” data plans where throttling occurs after a preset consumption limit, and iPhone and iPad apps differ in the amount of internet data they consume.

These apps usually stream video, while messaging apps that you use to keep in touch with your contacts usually use very little data, but there may be times when some mobile apps consume data even if you don’t use them much.

Set up cellular data usage for apps and services

Apps may access data in the background, which indicates increased data traffic every time an app is updated. Aside from just using mobile data, your iPhone has Wi-Fi Assist enabled by default. This indicates that Wi-Fi Assist will automatically switch to cellular data to improve signal if the Wi-Fi connection is poor. When you have a weak Wi-Fi connection, you can still access the cellular Internet, but depending on your data plan, you may be using more cellular data as a result.

However, turning off mobile data completely may be the solution to this problem, but doing so would limit how much you use your iPhone. In these cases, you can reduce data usage by preventing certain apps from accessing your device’s cellular data. iPhone, here’s how you can do it:

Go to the Settings menu on your iPhone.

– Select the Cellularoption option.

– The next page will display your most recent data usage, whether you are using roaming data, and most importantly, a list of apps that use mobile data.

Now, turn on the green toggle for apps to restrict them from using your mobile data.

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