How to dry clean your own clothes at home

by time news

2023-11-05 21:00:34

Do you want to learn how to dry clean your clothes at home, saving money and time? Discover tips and tricks to care for your delicate garments without compromising their integrity.

Last update: November 5, 2023

The concept “dry cleaning” refers to a method of cleaning clothing that, unlike traditional washing in a washing machine, does not use large amounts of water or conventional soap, but is done with chemical solvents to remove dirt and stains. This technique is preferred for the care of delicate silk, wool or velvet garments..

Do you want to learn how to dry clean at home and save time and money? Next, we will give you some tips and tricks to care for your clothes with homemade techniques, including the necessary materials, steps to follow, and precautions.

What do you need to dry clean your clothes?

Dry cleaning your clothes is not a complex task, but it does require certain materials that you will find in cleaning stores for a much lower cost than the cost invested in dry cleaners and laundry centers. Likewise, you will need others that, for sure, you already have at home.

Some are the following:

Kit dry cleaning for home use: los kits that you can find in supermarkets or home goods stores include a cleaning solution and a special bag to use in the dryer.
Baby shampoo: for those who do not get kits For cleaning, an alternative to use is baby shampoo.
Clean white towel or cloth: It will help you treat stains before using the kit cleaning.
Soft brush: to remove dust and surface debris from the garment before beginning.
Sponge: It is used to apply the dry cleaning product to localized stains.
Sodium bicarbonate: In addition to controlling and eradicating bad odors and stains, this natural product is used for more complex garments to clean.

How to dry clean your clothes?

Dry cleaning clothes at home is a sustainable act, since we avoid chemical products from dry cleaners and save in the long term. The method uses products and processes that minimize the exposure of garments to harmful substances, prolong their useful life and allow them to maintain their color and shape for longer.

Step 1: preparing the clothes

Read the garment care label to make sure it is dry cleanable. She checks clothing for stains and pretreats if necessary by pouring a small amount of detergent onto a sponge or towel and rubbing gently. Brush the clothes with a soft brush to remove dust and debris.

Step 2: dry clean

If you do it by hand:

Read clothing labels for specific restrictions. Purchase dry cleaning liquid or use mild baby shampoo. Before submerging the garment, you can choose to dissolve a tablespoon of baking soda in the water. This can help remove odors and light stains. Immerse the garment in the water, shaking it gently. Let it sit and soak for a few minutes. Once soaked, rinse the garment with cold water until all the detergent is removed. Avoid twisting the garment. Press carefully to remove excess water. Place it spread out on a clean towel, adjusting its shape. Let it air dry, away from direct sunlight.

If you want to dry clean with a washing machine:

As with hand washing, check the labels and attend to stains first. Use a laundry bag to protect clothes, especially delicate ones. Select the delicate or manual cycle of the washing machine, using cold water and a mild detergent. Avoid the dryer. Instead, lay the garment out on a clean towel, adjust it to its shape, and let it air dry.

Step 3: ventilation

Once you’re done, it’s important to air out your clothes. This will help dissipate any residual odor from the chemicals. and will ensure that the clothes dry completely.

Step 4: Storage

Use wooden hangers to preserve the structure of the garments. Close the buttons and zippers to avoid deformation.

Make sure clothes are clean to prevent long-term stains. Rotate your clothes regularly to avoid wear and tear in your closet.

What items of clothing are recommended to be dry cleaned?

Dry cleaning is recommended for all types of garments, but especially for those made of delicate fabricslike the ones we describe below.


Silk is one of the most delicate and difficult materials to wash. In that sense, It is recommended to treat stains with caution and care. When drying, hang in the shade to better protect it.


Wool is a warm and soft fabric, but it can shrink or warp in water. It is mandatory to use kits dry cleaning solutions designed for woolen garments.

To treat stains, use a clean cloth along with the cleaning solution from the kit. At the end of the process, spread it horizontally to prevent any deformation of the garment.

Leather and suede

These materials can be ventilated outdoors and treated with baking soda. It is suggested to avoid direct exposure to sunlightas it can discolor, weaken or crack leather and suede.


Although cotton is known for its strength and versatility, some garments made from this material may require dry cleaning. To ensure the garment remains in optimal condition and has no damage during the process, inspect for stains or soiled areas and treat individually.

What other recommendations should you take into account?

We give you some extra recommendations that you should consider with this method:

Prevent colored clothes from rubbing against each other. Brush wool or velvet garments after washing. Store cleaning products in safe, cool places. Consider professional cleaning for valuable or very delicate garments. Perform a color test in an inconspicuous area before using any product. Work in well-ventilated areas when using dry cleaning products to avoid possible allergies or side effects.

Save on dry cleaning and protect your clothes without worrying about damaging them. To prevent accidents, follow the instructions adapted to each material. Ready to try dry cleaning?

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