How to enable severe weather notifications on Apple iPhone

by time news

Apple has added many new features to the Weather app for iPhone with the new iOS 16 operating system. Besides improving the existing features of the app and adding new ones, the company has also added an option that allows you to modify the severe weather conditions of a specific location.

When this new severe weather feature is enabled, the app will send a notification if a severe weather alert is issued near the user’s location, providing information about rainstorms, floods, hurricanes, heat waves, tornadoes, etc.

In this step-by-step guide, we will show you how to quickly and easily enable severe weather notifications on your Apple iPhone running the latest iOS 16.

How to enable severe weather notifications on Apple iPhone

level 1: Open the Weather app on your iPhone.

The second step: Tap the three-line button in the lower right corner of the prediction screen.

Step 3: On the page that opens, click on the three-dotted button in the upper right corner and select “Notifications” from the drop-down options.

The fourth step: Next, under the Current location section, enable the toggle for the “Severe weather” option.

Fifth step: Press the “Allow” button when the confirmation message appears on the screen, then press the “Done” button.

This is it. Once you have followed the step-by-step guide mentioned above, you have successfully enabled severe weather notifications on your Apple iPhone running the latest iOS 16. You also have the option to enable notifications for other locations by turning on the toggle for those locations.

When the severe weather notification feature is enabled, critical weather alerts will continue to sound and appear on the lock screen even when you turn off the phone or enable Do Not Disturb on your iPhone.

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