How to finance training activities

by time news

Training Support for⁢ Digital and Energy ⁤Transition of Production Processes

The Transition 5.0 tax credit also ​applies to training​ costs⁢ aimed at acquiring ⁣or consolidating skills‍ in‍ technologies relevant to ​the digital and energy transition of production processes.⁢ These investments in training can only qualify for the tax credit if ‍associated with investments in tangible and intangible assets⁤ 4.0, which must achieve a⁤ reduction in energy consumption of at least 3% ⁣at ⁣the production ⁣structure⁤ level or 5% at the production process level.

Scope ⁢and Duration of Training Courses:

Training courses must include ⁤one or more modules in the following‌ areas:

Group A:
Integration of energy policies aimed at sustainability⁣ within the corporate strategy
Technologies ​and systems for effective energy ⁣management
Technical-economic analysis for energy consumption, energy efficiency and energy saving
Plant engineering and renewable sources (production and storage of energy from renewable sources)
⁤Maintenance of the systems
‌Identification⁤ of energy needs and energy management of⁣ facilities
Introductory ⁣concepts related to energy ⁢efficiency, energy saving ⁢and⁤ renewable ⁢energy
Execution of energy simulations
Innovative processes, models and ‌plant systems for energy ​efficiency of ‌plants and production⁤ sites
Design of passive energy measures
Design and‍ installation of ⁤self-production systems for energy‌ from renewable ‌sources
Energy management ⁣stakeholders ⁢and cooperation relations

Group​ B:
Digital integration of business processes
Business data analytics
⁤ Artificial⁢ intelligence and Machine learning
Advanced and collaborative robotics
Additive manufacturing ⁣(or 3D printing)
‌Visualization systems, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR)
Simulation and‌ cyber-physical systems
Internet of things and‌ machines
Cloud and ‌fog computing
Human-machine interface

The training path:

Must‌ have a term not less than 12⁤ hours.
Can also be​ carried⁢ out in‌ remote mode.
​ Must include:
‌ At least one training module lasting no less than 4 hours among those identified in letters A1⁣ to ‍A4.
At least one training ​module lasting no less than⁣ 4 hours⁤ among ​those identified in letters B1 to B4.
​Must provide a final exam with certification of the result achieved.

Who can provide‌ the training activity?

The training activity can ⁢be provided by:

Accredited subjects for the performance of training activities ⁣financed in the Region or autonomous Province in which the company has its registered office​ or operational headquarters.
The university‌ (public ‍or private) and public ⁤research institutions.
Subjects in possession of the quality ⁣certification in accordance with ⁤the ​current provisions ‌of Uni En ISO 9001 ‍sector ‌EA 37.
The European‌ Digital ⁤Innovation Hubs and ⁤Seal of⁤ Excellence selected following⁤ the European restricted tender referred to in Commission ⁤Decision C/2021/7911 and defined by ⁤the Article‌ 16⁣ of​ the Regulation (EU) 2021/694.
* The ​Higher ​Technological ‌Institutes (ITS Academy).

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