How to Get Rid of Athlete’s Foot Permanently: Home Remedies for Foot Ulcers in Chennai

by time news

2023-12-25 17:21:12
Chennai: Compared to other seasons, monsoons and winters are more prone to foot blasts. Some people have athlete’s foot at all times, but for them, athlete’s foot is worse in winter. Some people experience bleeding and severe pain from it. Let’s see why this problem occurs and what to do to fix it.

What causes foot ulcers: Prolonged bathing in hot water, use of harsh soaps and creams, cold weather, and not drinking enough water can cause cracked feet. Not only this, but obesity, diabetes, malnutrition etc also cause foot eruption on the heels.

Commonly, many people use coconut oil and petroleum jelly (Vaseline) for this problem. This will temporarily cure the bunion. It takes a little more tinkering to make a permanent fix. Now let’s see how to get rid of athlete’s foot permanently.

Foot Scrub: Just like facial scrubs and scrubs to remove dead skin cells, feet should be scrubbed and scrubbed before applying foot packs. Add a small amount of shampoo to warm water and soak your feet for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, after the skin of the feet is soft, scrub the feet with a pumice stone. By doing this, the dead cells will be completely removed.

1. Neem Turmeric Pack: Grind a handful of neem leaves to a smooth paste, add 3 teaspoons of turmeric powder and mix well. Then apply this mixture on the heels and after half an hour wash the feet with warm water and after drying apply any moisturizer. By doing this the foot rash will eventually heal.

Turmeric and neem, which are antiseptic, heal the pain caused by the callus along with clearing up the callus.

2. Rose Water, Lemon Juice Pack: Mix one teaspoon of lemon juice, one teaspoon of glycerin, and one teaspoon of rose water in a bowl and apply a pack on the foot rash, the foot rash will heal gradually.

Lemon removes dead skin cells, softens the skin and makes the calluses disappear.

3. Rice Flour, Honey Pack: Add three teaspoons of rice flour, one teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to make a paste and apply it on your feet and wash it off after half an hour. If your feet are very dry, you can add a teaspoon of olive oil.

Rice flour has the property of rejuvenating the old cells so the cracked feet will disappear soon. If you do this regularly, you will see good results in the long run.

This simple and natural treatments can help to prevent and heal athlete’s foot, especially during the harsh winter months. By regularly scrubbing and applying these packs, individuals suffering from this condition can find relief and achieve healthier, pain-free feet.
#Treats #cold #feet #winter

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