How to grow eyelashes: achieve a maximum volume without using false ones

by time news

¿How to make eyelashes longer? It is something that many women ask ourselves. Fortunately, you can achieve this with some natural ingredients. Achieve a maxivolumen without using false and discover How to make eyelashes longer with these tips

Although the artificial are the fastest option for highlight your look Wherever you go, you could be causing him a lot damage to your eyes. even that could affect or limit the growth of natural eyelashes.

how long does it take to grow eyelashes

Las eyelashes help protect your eyes of garbage or foreign bodies that could damage them. as one falls eyelasha new one is already being born so as not to leave that area of ​​your home unprotected. body.

Las eyelashes take between 4 and 8 weeks to grow. Once they reach their maximum level, they can measure approximately 10mm.

He eyelash life cycle is divided into three phases:

Phase 1 or anagen. It lasts from 30 to 45 days, when the eyelashes grow in hair follicles.

Phase 2 or catagen. when the follicle shrinksthe eyelash stop growing. That happens between 2 and 3 weeks.

Phase 3 or thalogenous. It may take up to 100 days for the eyelashes from falling out naturally. However, when more than 5 fall eyelashes up to date or notes gaps between your eyelashesit could be a sign of something more delicate that you should attend to with the doctor.

What to do to have longer and thicker eyelashes

How to grow eyelashes: achieve a maximum volume without using false ones. Photo: iStock

Although the eyelashes they fall when their life cycle has finished, there is something you can do to prevent premature damage. In addition, with this, you will achieve that they are more long and thick.

Search don’t carve your eyes forcefully or constantly because that weakens hair follicles.

Every night, clean your face to prevent contaminants from accumulating.

Even if you don’t use mascarait is important to brush them to stimulate growth.

Las eyelashesjust like the skin need hydration. Apply Vaseline to the eyelids at night.

Put green tea bags on your eyes. This ingredient has antioxidants and flavonoids, which help strengthen eyelashes.

Add foods with keratin to your diet, as they also help prevent eyelashes fall.

How to grow eyelashes from the root

Although the eyelash growth is determined by the geneticssome natural ingredients favor their development. Remember that nutrition is important to stimulate hair folliclesmentions the research journal Elsevier.

You want to know How to make eyelashes longer? There are several ingredients that you can use, the important thing is to apply correctly to stimulate the eyelash growth.

Lean on a clean mascara brush so that the product reaches all the lashes. Brush upwards and let it work overnight. As the days go by you will notice how they are growing and getting stronger.

home remedies to grow eyelashes

How to grow eyelashes: achieve a maximum volume without using false ones. Photo: iStock

Option 1.

He aloe vera It is one of the favorite ingredients for the body. For grow the eyelashes just mix some aloe vera pulp with castor oil. Apply with a Q-tip or mascara brush and let it act all night.

Option 2.

apply a little coconut oil o almonds oil about the eyelashes. You have to do it from the root for it to work. Remember brush up and let sit overnight for the nutrients to be absorbed.

Option 3.

The shea butter It is high in vitamin C, which increases collagen production. Follow the same procedure application mentioned with the other ingredients.

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Saber How to make eyelashes longer without the need to use hairpieces It can make a big difference in your look. Let’s do it!

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