How to install Windows 7 and the advantages and disadvantages of this version

by time news

How to install Windows 7 How to install Windows 7? Windows 7 is one of the software produced by Microsoft and it is one of its outstanding release and even the best ever.

Although another version called Windows 8 was launched after that, Windows 7 is still on the throne of Windows and millions of users around the world, and today we will give you a detailed explanation of how to install Windows 7, so go ahead.

Also read for more information: Show hidden files in Windows 7

How to install Windows 7

How to install Windows 7 is one of the easiest steps that any novice or professional user can follow as follows:

  1. The language you want to use is selected.
  2. Choose your country of residence.
  3. Click {Next.
  4. Then click Install Now.
  5. Several options are shown, the second being Advanced Custom Print.
  6. In order for the device to work better, the device must have at least 20 GB of space.
  7. Choose where to install Windows on your computer.
  8. Click on the word “Format” to create a parchment markup.
  9. We are waiting for the file to be completely copied and formatted.
  10. The computer will restart automatically.
  11. After rebooting, the device prompts you to enter a username.
  12. Click {Next.
  13. You will be asked to enter the password that you want to activate and it can be left blank if you do not want to activate a specific password.
  14. Click the Ask Later button.
  15. Set the time and date.
  16. By clicking Finish, you will be able to successfully install Windows 7 and be ready to use normally.

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Windows 7 most important feature

  • It has a higher speed compared to other versions.
  • Its handwriting recognition ability is high.
  • Supports different graphics card operating systems.
  • The calculator system has the most recent average.
  • However, you can save several program tiles to the taskbar to make it faster and easier to get to the tasks to be done.
  • It supports raw images by enabling certain Windows components to analyze images.
  • It has the ability to enable the grid alignment feature thus allowing the user to move the top of the screen to enlarge it across the entire screen.
  • Windows 7 allows other Windows environments to run on the same hardware.
  • It may make its own free antivirus software available.
  • Flexible and easy to operate various software such as video, photo, etc.
  • It is easy to find the file you want to search for by typing the first letters of the file name and it appears directly.
  • You can easily encounter sudden problems such as power outages.

For more benefits, we recommend keeping an eye on this: How do you know if your device has been hacked?

The main disadvantages of Windows 7

  • Windows 7 is very expensive.
  • There are some programs that need online help to run.
  • Some users are not satisfied with this due to the need to access the maximum amount of RAM to make use of it.
  • It does not accept old versions of programs, games, and drivers, so it needs a computer or laptop with a recent version to work on it.
  • Well experienced and advanced users need to know how to handle it.
  • It needs to be updated from time to time because it is easy to hack and cannot protect the information that has been uploaded to it.
  • A certain type of video is required for playback, which means that users are not free to use any type of software.

Windows 7 is one of the most important products released by Microsoft as it is used by millions of users, so how to install it? Everything you need to know about how to install Windows 7 is in this article.

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