How to promote a correct doctor-patient relationship?

by time news

2023-09-13 22:00:03

According to the IMSS, effective communication within the office has three basic components: verbal, non-verbal and paraverbal.
Effective communication, adherence to treatment and emotional support are factors that generate a good doctor-patient relationship.
When there is trust between doctors and their patients, better results are obtained.

The health field is so complex that there are fundamental aspects that are often not addressed within the university. Therefore, a frequent question is about how to achieve a correct doctor-patient relationship within the office. It sounds simple but in reality it is one of the most complicated aspects of this profession.

This relationship encompasses emotional and communicative aspects that can make a difference in a patient’s recovery process. In this sense, adequate interaction is decisive to understand the patient and provide help beyond diagnosis and timely follow-up.

“Today doctors offer a much more personal service and build a deeper relationship with their patients; However, a doctor’s communication and interpersonal skills are essential to improve diagnoses and treatments. The latest generation tools have become allies so that this communication and information collection becomes truly effective,” explains Mauricio Croda, CEO and founder of Prosit.

According to Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) Effective communication between doctor and patient has three basic components: verbal, non-verbal and paraverbal. The last two elements are fundamental because they provide up to 93% of the content of the message.

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Elements of a correct doctor-patient relationship

Effective communication, which is based on open and honest communication. When patients feel heard and understood, they are more willing to share crucial information about their health, including symptoms or concerns, that is, complementary data that is essential for a more accurate diagnosis and more effective treatment.
Adherence to treatment. An effective relationship can motivate patients to follow medical instructions and be more conscious when taking medications, making lifestyle changes, and following medical recommendations, that is, more committed to their recovery process.
Shared decision making. This implies that the patient is informed and actively participates in decisions regarding their treatment. With a digital and accessible clinical record, the patient can take control of her information, seek second opinions or know her health status in real time. It’s about empowering patients and making their history transparent.
Emotional Support. In times of serious or chronic illness, emotional support has a substantial influence, since doctors who have a closer relationship with their patients can offer guidance and support that contributes to improving the patient’s quality.

Affective and effective communication is a great challenge for medical personnel, since due recognition of a patient’s moods such as anger, sadness, indifference, as well as their social context, among other factors, can be collected and processed to due attention, thanks to the help of tools such as electronic clinical records.

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Within the framework of World Patient Safety Daywhich is celebrated every September 17, effective communication plays an essential role in fulfilling the fundamental principle of medicine: improving processes to give patients a voice so that they can express their concerns and preferences in order to promote their safety.

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