How to promote science and those who do it on the African continent?

by time news
Rwandan-American physicist Romain Murenzi; astronomical telescope winner in Benin Prudence Ayivi; the L’Oréal-Unesco Scholarships for Women in Science in Sub-Saharan Africa ceremony held in Abidjan on December 1, 2022. © All rights reserved / L’Oréal/Unesco

Perspectives from the director of the World Academy of Sciences, the Rwandan physicist Romain Murenzi, and the winners of the L’Oréal Unesco scholarships for women and science in sub-Saharan Africa….

With Romain Murenzi Rwandan-American physicist, former minister of education, science and research in Rwanda after the genocide, he is executive director of the World Academy of Sciences for the development of science in developing countries….A inspiring and explosive journey that he told us about during his visit to Paris last November

Report by Marine Jeannin (RFI correspondent in Côte d’Ivoire) during the ceremony L’Oréal-Unesco scholarships for women in science in sub-Saharan Africa held in Abidjan on December 1. This is the 13th edition of this program “For women and science” which aims to promote the research and careers of women scientists in Africa.

Finally, a short detour via Benin with Prudence Ayivi, at the microphone of Charlie Dupiot. He has just organized the first training in astronomical and space sciences at the University of Abomey Calavi in ​​Benin.

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