How to put on makeup to cheer you up?

by time news

2023-05-31 18:32:01

When it comes to daily care, there are different routines like people in this world, but did you know that there are more advantages to putting on makeup than just covering up imperfections? We show you 5 tips to know how to put on makeup to cheer you up.

Surely you have heard or even felt in yourself that you can be in a bad mood or sad, you take your makeup bag and, even if you don’t leave the house, you start putting on your makeup and you automatically feel better, and you’re not the only one! Well, many women have declared feeling a considerable improvement after putting on makeup.

Foto: Getty Images

Why do we make up?

At first impression, the answer to this question is: because it makes us feel better. In fact, a study published by the American Psychological Association He mentions that there is something called “the lipstick effect” which is when, in times of crisis, sales of this product tend to rise.

It is curious that this happens because it is a reflection that when society is in crisis, many people need to feel better in some way and if something has proven to lift the spirits quickly, it is a good dose of lipstick in your favorite shade. It is as if, by magic, you feel more capable.

But even if it feels like magic, there is an explanation behind it, and that is that the image we see of ourselves does influence our mood directly; It is as if you were telling your brain that everything is fine and that you can deal with any problem that comes your way.

So, up to here we have two reasons why we put on makeup: to cover imperfections and to “trick the brain” to feel better. If you want to know about the 5 tips on how to put on makeup to cheer you up that go beyond physical appearance, slide the first photo from the gallery.

Foto: Getty Images

Who invented makeup?

The first uses of makeup are estimated to have been in ancient Egypt, where in addition to using eyeliner for aesthetics, they used it to prevent sand from entering the eyes, so it had a double function.

However, when talking about the inventor of modern makeup as we know it today, reference is usually made to Maximilian Factorowitz, who in 1916 began selling eye shadows and eyebrow pencils. Even in 1920, he was the one who coined the term “make up” which is “makeup” in English.

Foto: Getty Images

What are the benefits of makeup?

Probably when you think about the benefits of makeup, the immediate thing you think is that it helps you look better and that’s true, makeup is designed to highlight the attributes that you have by nature and help hide those traits or characteristics that you don’t like. you feel completely comfortable.

In addition to this, makeup can be a great alternative for a hobby, since the possibilities and products are so varied that a day, not even a month, will not reach you to practice with all the ranges of colors and techniques available on the market and on social networks. social.

If you want to know what are the 5 tips to know how to put on makeup to cheer you upwe invite you to slide the first photo from the gallery.

About makeup, we share a video with the best tips to make up your eyelashes when you have a droopy eyelid.

#put #makeup #cheer

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