How to remove mucus from the throat: the remedies to eliminate them

by time news

Phlegm is a defense mechanism that increases with colds and causes discomfort

The humid environment and proper hydration favor the expulsion of mucus valerio merino

bother them phlegm They are nothing more than the mucus that lines the respiratory tract and that, in certain circumstances, such as infections, colds or flu, sees its production increased. «Its function is defensiveThat is why it is sticky, with a certain consistency, so that particles from the outside such as viruses and bacteria adhere, “explains Dr. José María Molero, from the semFYC Infectious Diseases Working Group, to ABC Salud. Excessive secretion of mucus in the throat also appears in people with other pathologies such as allergies, reflux, chronic bronchitis (COPD) or smoking.

To try to produce less phlegm and facilitate its expulsion, Dr. José María Molero recommends keeping the environment of the room where we meet wet. It is not necessary to make hot vapors: “They can burn the mucosa of the nose,” she warns. A nearby cold vapor is enough. The expert also recommends stay well hydrated. “In this type of cold we lose fluid due to the production of more phlegm and low-grade fever, if any. Increasing hydration helps to expel the phlegm that becomes more fluid. To do this, in addition to water we can drink soups, juices, infusions, decaffeinated coffee… «Caffeine is best avoided because it dries out the mucosa, just like alcoholand very sugary liquids“, Add.

Another of the habits that unknowingly produces more mucus due to irritation is blowing your nose very hard and repeatedly or clearing your throat. “It is better to do nasal washes or gargle with water and salt (250 ml of water and half a dessert spoon of salt)«, explains Dr. José María Molero.

And take advantage of the coughing blows to expel phlegm on paper, better than swallowing it, so that remains do not accumulate in the oropharynx and throat. It is not advisable to try to eliminate the cough in these cases because it is a mechanism that helps us expel mucus that would otherwise be retained. It is advisable sleep semi-incorporated when we have a cold to favor the expulsion of mucus.

If applying all these recommendations we still do not feel better, the doctor can prescribe decongestant or mucolytic drugs.

phlegm color

In general, there is no clear relationship between the color of the mucus and the possibility of an infection that requires antibiotic treatment. “In a cold or flu, the color of the phlegm is not indicative of an antibiotic. Only in cases of chronic bronchitis due to tobacco use is it known that if the mucus is greenish or purulent it could indicate that there is a bacterial infection; or in cases of sinusitis, when green mucus from the nasal sinus appears through the nose », he concludes.

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