How to resolve the error: “This video cannot be sent via WhatsApp” – 2024-05-11 21:48:54

by times news cr

2024-05-11 21:48:54

WhatsApp is an ideal tool for sharing content with family and friends, however, it is possible that at some point we have had a problem when performing this action and the following message appears: “This video cannot be sent via WhatsApp.”

This is a common problem, but it has a simple solution that anyone can do to continue and send the video in the family group or to a specific contact. Here we tell you.

The bug in question is more than just an annoyance. It is a problem that can appear without warning and for no apparent reason. Contrary to popular belief, this message is not related to the length of the video. Rather, It is linked to a failure during the process of converting the video for sending through the application.

The Meta application may have problems processing certain videos and the solution is at everyone’s fingertips. (spa)

When a user tries to send a video through WhatsApp, the application takes the original video and compresses it to reduce its size for easier transmission. It is in this compression process where problems can arise. The error message “This video cannot be sent via WhatsApp” indicates that an error has occurred during the video conversion, preventing it from being sent successfully.

This error can occur randomly at any time, regardless of whether you are using the beta or final version of the app. The fact that it is unpredictable makes the error message even more frustrating for users,because they don’t understand if they have done something wrong or if the video has a problem.

Fortunately, there are ways to resolve the situation and continue sharing videos without problems. One of the most effective solutions is to clear the WhatsApp cache. This process restores the application to a state similar to that of a fresh installation, thus eliminating possible errors that may be affecting the delivery of videos.

If you are an Android user, the process to clear the WhatsApp cache is relatively simple. First, make sure to back up your chats so you don’t lose any important data. Then, head to the apps section in your device settings. Find WhatsApp in the list of installed applications and select the storage and cache option. From there, you can free up storage space to clear the app cache.

For those using iPhone, the process is slightly different due to the restrictions of the iOS operating system. Instead of clearing the cache individually, the solution involves completely uninstalling the app and then reinstalling it from the App Store. Be sure to back up your chats before proceeding with the uninstall to avoid data loss.

This way you can send videos without any problem and within the duration and size limits established by the application.

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