How to Tell if a Nail Salon Cleans its Instruments: Revealed by Dental Hygienist

by time news

Hack reveals how to tell if a nail salon cleans its instruments

When you go to the nail salon for a relaxing experience, the last thing on your mind should be unclean tools. One woman is shedding light on how to tell if a nail salon cleans its instruments, and it’s causing quite the stir.

In a video posted on TikTok, user Jessica (@jessica_marierdhap) shared a hack for detecting whether a nail salon sterilizes its instruments. With a background as a registered dental hygienist, Jessica has a keen eye for cleanliness and wouldn’t allow any nail tech to use dirty instruments on her. She shared the hack with her 11,000 followers and urged them to use it to avoid toenail fungus and unsanitary conditions at nail salons.

The hack involves a simple trick for detecting whether an instrument has been sterilized. According to Jessica, instruments sealed in transparent packages with a black dot in the upper right-hand corner are clean, while those with a red dot are dirty. She advised her followers to immediately leave any salon where a nail tech pulls out a package with a red dot.

The video has gained over 834,000 views, prompting viewers to express confusion as to why some nail techs don’t clean their tools. Many commented on the video, sharing their own experiences with unsanitary nail salons.

The consequences of unclean tools are not to be taken lightly. According to Voesh, unhygienic salons can cause infections such as athlete’s foot, staph infections, herpes, HIV-1, and Hepatitis B and C. It’s crucial for nail salons to use brand new nail files and buffers for each customer, as well as sterilize their metal tools with an autoclave or dry heat and hospital-grade disinfectant.

Jessica’s video has sparked a conversation about the importance of cleanliness in nail salons, and it serves as a reminder for customers to be vigilant about the hygiene practices of their salon. After all, a relaxing experience should never come at the cost of health and safety.

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