How to train hill series for running

by time news

2023-05-25 11:45:26

Uphill series work offers different adaptations to improve your strength and endurance.

This type of hill training is considered specific force in order to improve the momentum of the athlete and with it an improvement in their efficiency in each stride, their power and, of course, improve running rhythms.

For runners, strength work is necessary to enhance other capacities: maintenance of technical levels.

Most of the times in which a decay of the technique occurs, it is related to a lack of strength.

Uphill series running training gives you many benefits:

  • Improved push force.
  • Improvement of muscular resistance.
  • Cadence improvement (work on descending slopes).
  • Develop the necessary neuromuscular conditions to achieve greater impulsion and consequently, an improvement in speed.
  • Create conditions for improvement in running technique even in a high state of fatigue.
  • Improve mechanical efficiency.

Hill running technique

All types of terrain that require applying a higher intensity than would be needed for the same service on normal terrain, it can cover the strength gain goals.

Taking advantage of the characteristics of the terrain offers a possibility to vary training and improve certain physical abilities to run better.

This type of work on inclined terrain, we will have the variables of intensity and duration depending on the objectives that are pursued with the training.

how to run uphill

In this case, there is a greater incidence in the agonist muscles that intervene in the impulsion, offering a concentric work.

The trunk should remain slightly bent forward, because the center of gravity is altered. The supports are more natural from the forefoot taking slightly shorter steps (as if we were going up stairs), avoiding lengthening the stride because it will cause greater muscle fatigue.

how to run downhill

In this case, the highest incidence occurs in the quadriceps, with eccentric (very necessary this type of work in mountain runners), which develops strength to a greater extent.

However, due to an incorrect position of the trunk (the body tends to lean backwards, instead of forwards in favor of the force of gravity), poor support technique is produced. excessively increasing braking forces.

Thus, the body should lean in favor of the slopetaking advantage of the inertia and this will cause an increase in the cadence per minute and also the speed.

Both cases can also be combined: perform strength work on the climbs, and recover on the descents, focusing on the technical aspect to improve skills and speed.

Types of slopes for series training

Depending on the specific objective that we want to work on, also at a metabolic level, we can use long slopes (longer work intervals) or short sections of slope, as well as its degree of inclination (between 5-10%):

  • Short distance slopes (50-100 meters) with steep slopes between 7-10%: They allow aerobic power work, improvement of the push force. Between 100 and 200 meters, approximately 1 ́of intense work, it is also very interesting for high intensity work.
  • Medium and Long Distance Slopes (200-500 meters), but with a lesser inclination (4-6%): allow to develop resistance to fatigue.

Types of slopes for series training

We recommend incorporating a product rich in carbohydrates to deal with this type of training, such as energy gels.

Series routine to train slopes

When we are going to carry out a series training on a slope, a good warm-up period: smooth jogging at very aerobic rhythms between 20-25 minutes.

On a slope with a slope between 6-10%we will do series of several repetitions depending on the level of fitness and experience of the participant:

beginner level:

  • 1 series of 5 repetitions of 30-60 seconds at a strong pace on the riserecovering on the descent with a very easy jog + 30 seconds of recovery before enunciating the next repetition.

Intermediate level:

  • 2 series of 5 repetitions of 1 minute hard on the rise + approximate recovery of 90 seconds of easy jogging downhill.
  • Continuous running on regular terrain between 5-7 minutes,
  • Repeat a 2nd set of 5 repetitions.

We finish the training with a very easy jog between 5-10 minutes to lower the heart rate and release muscle tension.


Like series training sessions, these types of hill sessions involve a large energy and muscle expenditure. The intensity is very high and the recovery period between sessions must be respected.

Above all, if the series and repetitions have been performed at high intensity focused on descents-descents, as there is greater muscle damage and, therefore, lRecovery is more than necessary.

Recovery series on slope

At the level of training but also at the level of nutritionwhich must be located in repairing the muscle damage suffered as soon as possible.

The day after an intense session of uphill series you can do:

  • Cardiovascular training without impact: swimming, cycling, long walk…
  • Running training at very low intensity on soft and preferably flat terrain.
  • Carry out a complementary training session to prevent injuries, work on core strength and the middle area.

What equipment do you need to run?

We recommend the following HSN garments that will surely be very useful for you:

HSN Technical T-shirt

HSN technical t-shirt to perspire and evacuate sweat quickly.

HSN hat

HSN Sports Cap for the coldest days.

HSN sweatshirt

HSN hoodie, for both boys and girls, to avoid getting cold after training.


  • “Resistance Training”, Mariano García Verdugo; Xavier Leibar, Gymnos Editorial, 1997.
  • “The Preparation of the Mountain Corridor”, Octavio Pérez, Alcalá Formation, 2014. Pags.176-185.

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