How useful are glasses with blue light filters

by time news

2023-08-20 08:08:00

Should those who work at the monitor wear glasses with blue light filters? Image: picture alliance / Westend61

Blue light from LEDs is said to be harmful to the eyes. Opticians therefore offer lenses with a blue filter. Do you really need it?

If you believe the majority of the population, the matter is clear: 52 percent of Germans assume that artificial light with a high blue content stresses the eyes, more than 38 percent even believe that it is harmful. This was the result of a representative survey commissioned by the spectacle lens manufacturer Zeiss. Blue light is considered dangerous.

However, it is not so easy to pin down the danger of this light. Scientists and physicians have been trying for several years to find out whether it is really true that artificial light stresses the eyes – and whether it could even be the cause of macular degeneration, which often occurs in old age.

#glasses #blue #light #filters

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