Hundreds of arrests and 406 injured gendarmes, announces Gérald Darmanin

by time news

2023-05-02 10:28:57

The day after the demonstration on May 1, the Ministry of the Interior communicated its assessment. A total of 540 people were arrested in France, including 305 in Paris, during the May 1 demonstrations, Gérald Darmanin said on Tuesday, adding that 406 police and gendarmes were injured on national territory.

In the capital, 259 police and gendarmes were injured, said the minister, interviewed on BFMTV. “We must have the strongest criminal sanctions against those who attack the police,” he added, calling for an “anti-thug law”.

In France, “61 demonstrators were injured, including 32 in Paris”, then added Gérald Darmanin. Among the injured police and gendarmes, “three are in an extremely difficult situation, even if their vital prognosis is not engaged”, detailed the minister. The policeman who received a Molotov cocktail in the Paris demonstration “was burned in the face, he is still hospitalized”, he added.

Authorities used drones to monitor the motorcade

“Where is the conviction of Jean-Luc Mélenchon against the attack of this policeman? “, then launched Gérald Darmanin, repeatedly attacking the leader of France Insoumise, accusing him of not condemning the violence enough. “His silence makes him an accomplice,” said the minister. Among the police injured in Paris, 31 were hospitalized, said Laurent Nuñez on France Info.

“There was a level of violence in the pre-procession, among the thugs, among the ultra individuals which far exceeded the level of violence that we had seen on the last twelve demonstrations”, estimated the prefect of police of Paris . Laurent Nuñez also welcomed the use of drones during the demonstration which made it possible to note the presence “within this pre-procession of four violent nebulae, of four black blocks constituted”.

The use of drones by the police during the Paris procession on May 1, decided by the police headquarters in the wake of a recent decree, had been authorized by the Paris administrative court after the rejection of an appeal brought by organizations for the defense of freedoms.

#Hundreds #arrests #injured #gendarmes #announces #Gérald #Darmanin

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