Hungary seeks to deepen partnership with Azerbaijan – INTERVIEW with the President of the Hungarian Institute – 2024-05-11 05:02:49

by times news cr

2024-05-11 05:02:49

Source: Trend International Information Agency

Hungary is extremely interested in strengthening economic ties with Azerbaijan.

President of the Hungarian Institute of International Relations Gladden Pappin told Trend in an exclusive interview.

Pappin noted that there is very close cooperation between Hungary and Azerbaijan, which in 2023 moved to the level of an expanded strategic partnership. According to him, although Hungary is a member of the EU, its cultural heritage is rooted in Central Asia. Since 2018, the country has been an observer member of the Turkic Council, and now the Organization of Turkic States (OTS). Hungary has deep cultural ties with Azerbaijan and other members of the UTC.

“Hungary’s deep historical and cultural ties with the region strongly influence its interest in strengthening economic relations with Azerbaijan. Several significant Hungarian companies operate in the country, and in recent years there has been a noticeable increase in mutual trade between our countries, as well as the implementation of joint projects, especially in energy sector,” he said.

Pappin emphasized that both countries occupy key positions on transit routes between East and West, being a kind of gateway between the two continents. Hungary and Azerbaijan have also gone through difficult journeys to regain their national sovereignty in recent decades. This shared experience and position in the modern geopolitical environment makes their bilateral relationship extremely strong.

Touching on the topic of transport links between Europe and China, Pappin emphasized that the capacity of the Middle Corridor has increased significantly in recent years.

“The middle corridor passing through the territory of Hungary connects it with China. Hungary and China have strong ties: a number of Chinese enterprises operate in the country, which are gradually expanding their presence and becoming increasingly important. A significant part of the import of Hungarian goods comes from China and plays key role in the production process. Therefore, increasing the capacity of the Middle Corridor is of strategic importance,” he said.

Moreover, Pappin noted that over the past few years, Hungary’s interest in purchasing energy from Azerbaijan has increased. This has led to proposals for a number of bilateral infrastructure and transport projects, including the laying of an undersea cable that would eventually allow green energy to be efficiently transported from Azerbaijan to Hungary.

“However, the logistics side of energy import is a rather complex process, and various partners will be involved in the implementation of these projects over the next few years. Minister Péter Szijjártó stressed that Hungary aims to provide up to 10 percent of its energy needs from Azerbaijan in the near future. This goal is already began to be implemented thanks to last year’s agreement on the initial transport and supply of energy and natural gas to Hungary,” he said.

Pappin noted that Hungary has been gradually moving towards green energy in recent years, but is doing so carefully so as not to harm households. The main emphasis is on meeting the energy needs of the local population. However, the country aims to become a key transit hub between West and East for goods, energy and green energy projects carried out between Azerbaijan and the European Union.

“The fact that COP29 will be held in Azerbaijan, an oil-producing country, indicates that the traditional understanding of the separation between fossil fuels and green energy production is beginning to change. This shows that it is possible to continue the green transition and strive for clean economy, without abandoning traditional energy sources as much as possible,” he said.

It is worth noting that the Institute for Development and Diplomacy (IDD) of ADA University organized a lecture for university students, at which Pappin discussed in detail Hungary’s position in relation to the changing world order, highlighting its unique position as an EU country and located at the junction of West and East.

“Hungary is well aware of the need to maintain an open and cooperative global economy, especially in the context of Europe, which involves economic cooperation not only with the United States, but also with China and as many other partners as possible,” he added.

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