“I” as “Icarus” | FranceEvening

by time news

EDITORIAL – In English, “I care”: “I care about it”, cares about it in French. Enough to ? From the more than simply worrying, eminently worrying turn that our leaders and their servants have made our country take politically, socially and economically; exponential that has become the acceleration in this matter, in the great nonsense.

Because, yes! It is “I don’t care” (“I don’t care!”), obviously, the positioning that politicians and pseudo-scientists claimed to be experts who are subservient to them, have taken in this matter; well helped that they are in this by “THE” fundamental discovery that they made in this specific field that is social engineering, the manipulation of the masses by the propagandist messages imposed by the mainstream media and repeated in unison :

« Scientists have discovered…. that people believe anything as long as they are told that scientists discovered it. »

Which more or less corroborates what Maurice Donnay, playwright, said:

« With a well-conducted press campaign, after two months, the French would believe in God. »

The meetings of the Miviludes are being held at this very moment at the Ministry of the Interior Place Beauvau, trying to provide a response to sectarian excesses, in particular linked to beliefs in the ScienceTM ! How many of our rulers have declared “I believe in scienceTM.

Just yesterday, while I was trying to attend the closing speech of the president of the said assizes, I was refused access to Place Beauvau. On the grounds that the day was over, a certain Divisional Commander Sambourg politely invited me to leave the entrance hall while a participant caught him out by declaring “it’s not over, there is still a speech”.

This was also confirmed to me by a person present in the room. Like what, when the media try to talk about sectarian excesses, some come up against excesses of authoritarianism!

It is indeed its excesses that we denounce in France-Evening for nearly three years – a question has arisen, if not to say the last straw: why, without giving any reason, is a media, which moreover is financed by its readers, without any State aid, prohibited from attending a conference on sectarian aberrations? Isn’t this in itself a mark of an asserted sectarianism that the fourth estate, the free press, must report? Nor see a stigma of France-Evening by the Ministry of the Interior and Miviludes, otherwise it would be immediately declared “conspirator” !

As Alexandra Henrion-Caude rightly says in her latest book, we play Sorcerer’s apprentices. Among countless other examples of this anthropophagous ilk with catastrophic aspects, one can change sex at will, a transformation at the expense of the State and with even an aid of 75,000 dollars, now in Canada (the latest stroke of genius from its Prime Minister , Justin Trudeau, the equivalent in all respects of Macron there).

And you can also “define” your gender, that is to say, you can legally claim the gender you think you belong to, however spooky it may be, and this without having to prove it or undergo the physical transformation to correspond to it.

And as a bonus, it is up to the State to adapt its legislation each time this total delirium gives birth to one of these absurdities.

This suicidal drift, however, occurs only in the West, where American influence is omnipresent. Anywhere else in the world, these individuals would not see the state following them down this path. On the contrary.

And notwithstanding that it is unfortunately indeed ineluctably dying and at a term now unfortunately very soon to expire, fortunately for the West, Nature always takes back its rights. And this much more than the so-called “polluter pays” law. »

This implies that polluters must restore a site after having used it. However, this is only a theory that almost never intervenes in the sad reality that is in practice in our country. Whereas, conversely, when all the polluters have fallen fallow, for lack of having any place left untouched to defile, nature reclaims its rights.

Man is the tool of the destruction of man, but paradoxically the greed of those who are in charge of humanity being absolutely limitless, humanity can only be reborn after having finished completely destroying its space. vital.

Yes, indeed, all that proceeds from a deconstruction of traditional Western civilization, of our values, methodical, programmed and in the process of being finalized.

Therefore, if you allow me, I will talk to you about it very soon in a future editorial.

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