«I bring the talk to prime time on Saturday»- Corriere TV

by time news

2023-07-12 15:08:42

There are many new features at the presentation of La7’s 2023-2024 schedules. An evening in grand style, a perfect location that of Superstudio Più in Milan, with all the protagonists of the new season ready to give information at 360 degrees and the president Urbano Cairo to do the honours.

Two important new entries stand out in the season that will start in September: that of Massimo Gramellini who arrives from Rai and will go to experience a completely new space on Saturdays in prime time and that of David Parenzo who will host the new edition of the daily programme, L’ Blowing air.

Among the novelties, the major investigations that will be proposed by Corrado Formigli’s team which will therefore double the weekly commitments: in addition to Piazza Pulita there will be the new creature called 100 minutes). The great A7 classics confirmed: Di Martedì by Floris and Otto e mezzo by Lili Gruber. Information and in-depth analysis remain at the center of the La7 schedule which sees Enrico Mentana as always among the protagonists, and then Andrea Purgatori, Diego Bianchi, Aldo Cazzullo, Licia Colò, Tiziana Panella, Federico Rampini. (Valentina Baldisserri)

July 12, 2023 – Updated July 13, 2023, 12:15pm

© Time.News

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