“I can only accompany him with a car” – Schobert Norbi joined his son’s running training

by time news

2023-07-06 19:54:34

The video uploaded to Instagram reveals the speed with which junior Schobert Norbi ran up the mountain.

Schobert Norbi his 18-year-old son posted a video on Instagram on Thursday, Norbert Schobert the Younger about training.

Norbika’s son’s training last night. He ran 12 km, the last 1.5 km uphill, on a 10-12% incline. By how much? View! I can only accompany him by car. This is! He is the future. I remember when I got on the treadmill at the age of 10, a country stood inside me. Now she loves working out

– wrote the elder Schobert in his post, and then added: the other important element is the diet.

I could never run like that

he closed his post.

The video shows that the younger Schobert was going uphill at 12-17 km/h on a street where, according to his father, he cannot even walk up.

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