«I did not detect anything with Ricky; You have to give him space, let him take his time »

by time news

2023-08-15 04:43:47

Joel Parra (Barcelona, ​​23 years old) comes from living a dizzying year, a roller coaster that began last September, when it was proclaimed European champion with Spain in his first call with the selection in an official tournament. Arrive and kiss the saint, as they say. After the miraculous and deserved trophy, returned to Joventut, where he has played since he can remember, and completed a great season with Badalona, ​​making it very clear that the expectations that had been generated around him were more than words in the air. Last month, Barcelona, ​​in full reconstruction after the departures of Mirotic and Jasikevicius, announced the hiring of Parra for the next four seasons, a few days before traveling to Madrid to start preparing for the World Cup with the Spanish team. The forward, in this maelstrom, talks with ABC about his role in the national team, signing him for the Catalans and about the unforeseen events and strengths of the team in his career for defend the title of world champions.

-How was the experience in Malaga?

-Very good, the team has been very focused and we have followed the instructions of the coaching staff to get to the World Cup as well as possible. In addition, we have had two very demanding games.

-Slovenia and the United States, specifically.

-In the end we always want to play against the best, and these teams are among the candidates to win the World Cup. They have helped us to see how we are in shape, despite the fact that we have not had time to train as much.

-He was paired with Luka Doncic, one of the best players in the world.

-Yes, because of the game plan it was my turn, but in the end defending a player of his level requires a collective action. I think that in the last two years we have shown that we can do great things when we defend as a team. We have managed to make players with these characteristics, with a lot of talent, feel uncomfortable.

-How did the group digest Ricky’s decision?

-Well, the group accepted it, it’s their decision and it’s respectable. The important thing is the person, long before the team. He has to be comfortable and here he has us to support him. When he is ready to return, we await him with open arms. But now it’s time to give him space, to take his time and decide what’s best for him.

-Rudy said that he felt guilty because Ricky needed a hug and he didn’t realize giving it to him. Did you notice anything different during the first days of preparation?

-I hadn’t met Ricky yet, it was the first time we shared a call. Rudy has known him for much longer, from Badalona. Me not having so much dealings with Ricky, well I didn’t detect anything. But that’s it, you have to let the subject go. It’s his decision and if he thinks it’s the best for him, then go ahead. We have to focus and continue on our way to the World Cup.

-Do you already feel like a veteran after winning the last Eurobasket?

– The truth is that there are much older people in the national team. But hey, it is true that I feel heavier than when I started coming to the windows a few years ago. But I still have a lot to learn from those who have been here the longest, such as Rudy, Llull, Juancho, Willy or Claver.

-Are they hitting the Golden Boys 2.0 a lot? (Scariolo has decided to integrate the great talents of the lower categories, such as Aday Mara, Hugo González or Izan Almansa, among others, into this preparation for the World Cup).

-No, when you come to a team for the first time, what you like is that they treat you with tact and affection, with respect and with the desire to be taught. This is how they welcomed me back in the day and it is how I try to welcome the youngest. They have incredible quality and are entering the team dynamic well.

– Do you see any similarity between this preparation and the one a year ago for the Eurobasket, in which Spain did not start as a favorite either?

-Well, in recent tournaments they didn’t give us as favorites and in the end we were champions in the World Cup and in the Eurobasket. I think we have to go with the same mentality, be humble, go game by game and be aware that anyone can beat us but that we can beat anyone. Work hard, physically and mentally, and be prepared for anything.

-Scariolo said that he put videos of the 2014 World Cup in Spain, which was a disaster, and that he told them how Spain was doing in the betting houses to win the World Cup (sixth in the majority). Does it affect you a lot so that you understand well what defeat means?

-Defeat is part of life, unfortunately you don’t always win. You have to be prepared in case you get lost, know how to stand firm, take the blow. Sergio (Scariolo) knows this well and prepares us for the possibility. But I insist, if we defend and compete, we can beat anyone.

-How did your transfer to Barcelona come to fruition? Seems like it all went too fast…

-It was done in a few days, they called me on a Friday afternoon and everything was very simple. It has been a good decision, sporting more than economic. I’m very happy.

-Willy Hernangómez, Dario Brizuela and also you. What do you think of the Spanishization that Barcelona is doing?

-Very good, it is important that the club have players who know what it means to wear this shirt. We are all three in the national team and we have been talking with Abrines about next season. We are very excited.

#detect #Ricky #give #space #time

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